
1. For human beings, their 'destinies' change according to their THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS. 2. Take action so that your body, mind, and actions will all 'develop' and 'grow' perfectly.

본문 .


Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
 Genesis 1:27-28

27) So God created mankind in his own image, 

in the image of God he created them; 

male and female he created them. 
28) God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 

Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled with the love of the eternal Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

As a person lives his life, he must know how to operate his brain. Then he will be able to live properly and perfectly without causing accidents. That is why, today, I will first tell you about how to operate your brain.

The human brain does not think about multiple things at any one moment. Rather, when the brain actually operates, it cannot put 'two different thoughts' to work at the same time. The brain thinks fixated on 'one thing'. According to that thought, the body responds and acts on that 'one thing'.

In a parable, the human brain is like an 'elevator'. When you enter an elevator, press the button for the 'floor to which you plan to go', and the elevator starts to move, it will end up going to the 'floor of the button you pressed'. Once you have started running your brain by pressing the thought switch, just as the Blue Dragon Train (a theme park ride*) must go to the end once it has departed, [your thoughts] also will not stop along the way.

{Translation note: The Blue Dragon Train is one of the first generation theme park rides in Korean.}

Thus, the human brain also, once it has started moving, proceeds straight forward. Then, ultimately, [those thoughts] are carried out with the body also. When it comes to unrighteousness and sinful things, you must not turn on the 'ignition' at all with the thoughts absolutely never push the thought switch, but must control yourself and cut it off at the thought.

Now for the message about 'take action so that your body, soul, and spirit will develop and grow perfectly,' which is the second theme.

The taste, shape, and nutritional value of 'various grains and fruits that have grown and have been completed' are different from‘[grains and fruits] that have not been completed and are still growing'. They cannot even be compared.
It is the same for rice too, when it was opened up during growth, [the kernel] only contained 'murky water'. When I looked at it one month later, the 'water' had formed a shape, and transformed into a 'rice fruit'. When I pressed on it, it squished. When autumn came and I opened it up, the 'rice fruit' had become hard and glossy. The 'rice germ', which is the life of the rice, had been embedded and formed.

Thus, just as even creation must go through stages for it to become completed, a person's growth process also has three stages. You must have grown fully in all of the three stages for you to be finally completed.

First it is the 'growth of the body, development of the body'. Saying that a baby is 'beautiful and pretty' means that she is like that when seen in terms of the baby's domain. A baby cannot appear with a 'grown up body' nor shine as a 'grown up body'. It must develop and grow until the body is completed.
Secondly, your 'heart, mind, and thoughts' must become grown and completed.
If your thoughts are immature, just as they are immature, you will take action in an immature way. Therefore, you will 'love' recklessly, spend 'money' recklessly, will look at 'things you should not see' out of curiosity, and 'do things you should not do'.

People act in accordance with their 'mind and thoughts' and, those actions determine the 'destiny of their life'. You must absolutely make your mind and thoughts grow up. As much as you have a 'heart of really wanting to do it', and as much as your 'heart and thoughts' are strong, you will grow up quickly. 

Thirdly, your 'actions' must grow up. In their heart they really want to do well, but when they actually do it with their body they can do up to the '80[%] line', but when they try to do it up to the '90[%] line', they cannot do it. It is because their actions have grown only to that point. That is why they cannot do more than that. When a person takes action without his actions having been completed, he will cause problems. You have to keep doing it. You have to keep doing it. Then your actions will be completed.
Now that your body has grown up, if your mind is fully grown, and your actions become completely grown up, you will have '100% success'. 

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Lord are perfect. However, people say, 'Human beings are not divine. How can we do things perfectly? It is difficult. It is impossible.' 

However, look at the thousands of electronic goods, clothes, and shoes made by people. They are used because they were made perfectly. Even spacecrafts are made perfectly and then sent into space. Then they orbit the earth for 10 years, take photos and send them back. Why do you, a 'person' say you cannot [take action perfectly]?

If you do it, you can do everything perfectly. If you really wish to do so, you can do everything perfectly. Even though they can do it, they, themselves, do not do it.

God created the 'universe and creation' perfectly for us. We are living our lives using all of 'those perfect creations', so we can do things perfectly too. 
Now that you have listened to today's Word, I bless that the people willing to do it will be able to take action perfectly and so become heroes who act perfectly and climb up to the level of the divine.

2/9/2015 9:02:05 PM