
The Trinity works through INSPIRATION.

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Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok 
Scriptures: Timothy 3:16-17

16) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
17) so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

There are many ways in which God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord work upon us, help usand fulfill the Will toward us. One of those methods is to, at each time, according to the situation and circumstance each person is in, work upon that person and speak to that person through inspiration.  

When you receive inspiration, the 'Holy Son's Will' comes to mind, and a 'desire to do it' also comes. Also, because the Divine being is working upon you, instant responses that you cannot generate on your own will occur in reality, such as your body feeling hot, warm, toasty or exhilarated, or becoming tearyWhen you receive an inspiration, you should discern and see whether it is truly an inspiration given by the Trinity, and, if it is, you have to immediately act upon it.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord, give strong inspirations at urgent moments, but give them in ways that are appropriate for the situation and circumstances of that momentSometimes [They]  make you leave that spot by making you sick, sometimes [They]  make you fall over at that moment, sometimes [They]  make someone hit you, sometimes [They] manipulate the situation so that something you were doing will not work out, and sometimes [They] make someone rebuke you, and so on. They work upon you giving you inspiration using all kinds of different methods.

Therefore, you should always think. Thinking about God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord, is just like looking at Them with your eyes. You must always be thinking. Then you will know immediately when you have been given inspiration. 

Whenever you go through suffering because something you were doing is not working out well, you ask, "Why doesn't God help me?" However, if you quietly think about it, you will come to a knowledge of the fact that things did not work out well because even though you did receive inspiration, you took action while ignoring. That is why you have to receive inspiration powerfully. You have to receive inspiration powerfully. Then you will not just pass by but take action according to the inspiration and gain by doing so

Therefore, by praying, like boiling water, you have to make your thoughts hot and make your mind strong. If you do not boil the water, the food will not taste nice. If you do not make your mind and thoughts strong, you cannot receive inspiration nor take action.

You have to value inspiration, study it, and realize. Then God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord, will all give you many inspirationsIf you receive inspiration, you must surely discern. Therefore, when you receive inspiration, you have to surely discern by praying to see whether it is a thought that comes from your own will or the inspiration given to you by the Trinity

Even within one day, [the Trinity] gives you many inspirations. Today, now that you have heard the words of inspiration and come to know about inspirationmay you receive the blessing of living while treating inspiration as life.

2/23/2015 1:34:10 PM