
Unite as one! Then I will be with you.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Date of Broadcast] June 12, 2005

[Scriptures] Matthew 18:19-20

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there I will be with them.”

The theme of today’s message is ‘Unite as one! Then I will be with you.’ Do not work by yourselves. When we become united as one, work becomes easy and also Heaven will work upon you. When God’s history is made, humans cannot be the only ones to work hard, rather God and humans must work in unison.

If two people are chasing a rabbit, neither can catch the rabbit if person A, after having chased the rabbit for an hour, says, “Ah… I am too tired, I can’t do this anymore. Hey person B, you go and catch the rabbit.” The two must work together. One person should chase after the rabbit, while the other should approach the rabbit from the front. Only then can the rabbit be caught.

The scriptures say, “Where two or three gather in my name, there I will be with them.” On the surface, these scriptures can be understood to mean that two people who are both ‘Abel’ must unite as one. However, the fundamental meaning of this scripture is that when an Abel and a Cain are united as one, God will be with them.

In order to fundamentally resolve a problem, two people who are of opposing sides must unite. If two people from the same side are united, then the problem will be solved only for that side. However, in order to fundamentally resolve the problem which stems from both sides, the opposing sides must come together and work it out together.  

Hence, both sides must discuss and consult with one another. I do not give 100 percent of the answer to just one side; rather, I give to each side a part of the answer. At times, I give 50 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent or 20 percent to one side. If one side has 80% of the answer, they cannot make that answer become 100% on their own. They must unite with the side that has 20 percent of the answer, and then things will work out.  

God said to Joshua, “I will be with you.” What God meant was that He would be with Joshua because Joshua was united with the Israelites. God was with Joshua only when he was one with the Israelites. Since Joshua was united with all the Israelites, God said to him that He would be with him. Hence, every problem he faced came to be solved.

Having heard today’s message, you must be sharp and meticulous in how you work. Do not only listen to one side. Listen to both sides and understand both positions. I bless that both sides will truly become united as one so that a history where the Lord is with you will be fulfilled in your life.

5/29/2015 11:37:19 PM