
If you do just a little more, your destiny will change. If you do just a little more, a problem will turn into an answer. If you do just a little more, it is a different world.

본문 .




[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 25:21

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

James 2:24

You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

When you look at the difference between the gold medalist and the silver medalist in the 100m sprint during the Olympic Games, they win by a difference of 30cm or a difference of one hand-span.

At times, a runner crosses the finish line by sticking his foot out and wins the first place over the second place finisher by a difference of less than 0.1 seconds. 

Likewise, between someone who runs and works diligently and does well and someone who does poorly, the difference is ‘only slight.’


A person with big eyes, nose and mouth is a little bigger than other people.

But 'that little difference' seems tremendously big. 

The same is true with the face. 

Even if a face is big, it is not ‘twice’ as big.

In fact, there is only a difference of 1cm on either side between a person with a big face and someone with a small face. 

However, a big face ends up looking tremendously big. 

When dancing too, if you move ‘a little more,’ your motion will seem big.

Even if you are doing the same dance as others, you will seem to be dancing better.

If you straighten your back, you look taller, and since you have good posture, your body looks straight and you seem to be full of confidence.

By doing a little less you will seem like a person who is an eye-sore, a person who does poorly and a person who is lazy.

By doing a little more you will become a person who is noticed and you will seem like a diligent person.

I told you to do a lot and gain a lot and enjoy a lot, right?

The person who does a little more every day will ultimately end up gaining a lot and enjoying a lot.

Therefore, do a little more, make a little more effort and be a little more passionate.

Then your destiny will change, a problem will turn into an answer and it will become a different world 

Everyone has the power to do a little bit better.

If you do it, that power will come out from ‘your body and thoughts.’ 

You let your destiny tilt toward the bad side by not taking action even though you have ‘the materials to do well with.’

People usually think that a person's destiny will change only if they do ‘a lot’ better.

However, if a person does ‘just a little’ better, even someone who will die will live and their faith will become a golden faith.


People usually think, “How come things turn out well for that person, but things do not turn out well for me even though I work just as hard as that person?”

Successful people became that way because they did even ‘one’ more thing.


With people -

by making a little more effort and taking action, they succeed, escape suffering and live with hope.

By failing to make a little more effort and failing to taking action, they go through hardships. 

The life of the body is like that and the life of the spirit, which is the life of faith, is like that too.

To do a lot, all you need to do is a little more each time.

In the course of doing a little more each time, you will end up achieving a lot.

Everyone, you understood the message about how important doing a little bit more is, right? 

If you do a little more, your destiny will change, a problem will turn into an answer and it will become a different world. Therefore, do your best by working a little bit harder and taking action a little bit more. 

10/18/2015 7:50:13 PM