
Raise your level while equipping yourself and taking action.

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[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures]1 Kings 5:18 

         『The craftsmen of Solomon and Hiram and workers from Byblos cut and prepared the           timber and stone for the building of the temple.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

People live seeing and feeling only things at their levels.

Therefore, they live not knowing the things of the next level up.

An airplane cannot fly if it does not raise its level of altitude.

People too must raise their level.

In order to do that, you must get out of your level and gradeand learn, hear and know the Word of God correctly.

No matter who they are, no one can raise their level if they don’t receive education.

If you stay only at your own levelyou will only be at that level, you will only see things at that level, you will only receive answers at that level and you will be unable to get out of that level or enjoy things beyond that level.     

That is why people must learn and receive education.

A level is like a rank in the military.

It is like a grade for public servants.

And it is like a position rank in a company.

In the case of natural caves, there are grades according to their formations in each country. 

Also, cultural properties have various grades according to their features. 

Likewise, life has levels and grades.

I hope that all of you become A-grade lives at the highest grade.

In order to do that, you must raise the level of your body’s thoughts and actions.

Raising the level of your body’s thoughts and actions is something everyone can do.

If you rise one level, then you will receive the things you want at the present level.

Even if you are just one level higher, it makes a tremendous difference.

You can rise one level higher if you do just a little more.

I hope that all of you will rise one higher level each time by doing just a little more.

If you raise your level, it will be an ideal world for you because you will get out of the old things, transform and rejoice, and your hopes will come true. 

When raising trees too, you have to give fertilizer at the peak of their growth. 

Then the tree will grow one level higher. 

The same is true with lives. There is a time for them to raise their level.

They have to raise the level while they are growing at their peak.

If they do it late, even if they have raised the level, they don’t have time to use it or enjoy it that much.

Even when you try to increase the speed of your car, you cannot do that just with the heart

You must actually step on the accelerator and speed up. 

In the same way, it is to raise your level while taking action.

When raising your level, you must raise your level while taking action on one thing at a time and equipping yourself.

Is buying a big car all you need to do? 

You have to have the power to operate itEverything you do in life is like that. 

In today’s main scriptures too, it says that they were equipped with stones and wood in order to build the temple.

The same is true with the world of faith.

You raise your level while equipping yourself with one thing at a time.

I bless all of you to raise your level at each time as you diligently equip yourself.

12/7/2015 11:48:22 AM