
Something is beautiful and marvelous only if it is equipped with many different forms. The way to raise your level.

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[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Matthew 11:29-30

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Something is beautiful when it possesses various forms; 

and it is so beautiful and marvelous when various kinds of history happen. 

The works of the Holy Spirit are also truly beautiful, marvelous, and majestic.

It is not a simple history that happens when the Holy Spirit works upon you. 

It is the history of life where the body, thoughts, soul, and spirit come alive.

That is why it is even more beautiful and marvelous.

Look at people’s noses.

If they are even 1mm, 2mm, or 3mm higher, they look so much higher. 

All of you must raise your level from your present position.

You must raise your level by equipping yourself with a variety of things and taking action on one thing at a time.

There is a way to raise your level

It is not to do things in the way you have always done them;

but rather, to do things with greater strength and passion.

Even when lifting something heavy – the difference in level between lifting normally and lifting with greater strength is incomparable.

In this way, if you do things more passionately, your level will rise.

In everything you do in life, if you want to raise your level, you just need to do it with more strength and passion.

Raising your level is like climbing a steep slope.

On the way up, it is difficult because it is steep.

But once you climb to the top and look, it is flat ground.

Therefore, you need to exert more strength only when you are climbing up; when you are raising your level.

Once you climb up and arrive at that level, you don’t need to exert strength like that from that any more, because it is like flat ground.

Therefore, it is to do your best when you are climbing up; when you are raising your level

The same is true with faith.

The more you raise your level to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th steps, the more strength you need.

However, it is so difficult when you are raising your level.

But once you have raised your level and crossed over to the next level, it is no longer difficult.

Some people work fervently throughout~ but always get discouraged and give up in the final line.

The end of that level is the steepest slope and uphill path.

If you don’t get discouraged and give up but muster up more strength and climb, you will reach the top.

However, of all times, people give up at that time saying it is difficult.

That is why their hard work turns to nothing and they fail to gain the reward for their efforts.

You must climb until the end!

You must get through the moment of difficulty!

You must break through your limits!

If you do, you will go to the next level.

Upon hearing today's message, surely keep this in mind: 

At the times when climbing up more and raising your level, you must exert even more strength and be even more passionate.

It is difficult only when you are climbing up. After exerting your strength and climbing up, it will not be difficult any more because it will be like flat land. Do not forget these words, but always keep them in your brain and take action. I bless everyone to do this. 

1/12/2016 10:34:59 AM