
Realize about your body.

본문 .






[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok 

[Scriptures]Luke 9:25

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, 

and yet lose or forfeit their very self?

God Almighty created the body for us 

so that we would eat, use and enjoy life during our lifetimes.

The body> is one but the parts of the body are many.

Each individual body part -- the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hands, arms, legs, etc.--
all have different shapes, forms and functions.

It is with your body that you develop your individual body parts and take action with them, 

do a variety of things with your one body 

and let people feel beauty, emotions and inspiration in various ways, 

and achieve and enjoy your dreams in a variety of ways. 

If you raise and manage that body well, develop it according to God’s Will, 

and also develop your brain and thoughts spiritually, 

you will do well and prosper for your entire lifetime. 

With this precious body, you should make your wishes come true, 

achieve your goals, receive blessings, receive glory, 

and let your spirit go all the way to Heaven.

I bless all of you to now live a beautiful life with your precious bodies!

6/1/2016 4:28:53 PM