
When you know, both your thoughts and actions will change.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 16:13-20

13) When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples,

“Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

14) They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah;

and still others, Jeremiah or some of the prophets.”

15) “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

16) Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17) Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah,

for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but my Father in heaven.”

When people know and when people don’t know,

there is a difference in both their thoughts and their actions.

Someone who really knows takes action at that level and

someone who knows only moderately takes action in an average way.

Someone who really knows correctly is in a different position,

has different thoughts, and takes different actions.

When you know correctly, you can even accomplish the things you were unable to do all year long in these remaining 40 days of this year.

Like this, you have to know and realize how important and valuable it is to know.

Always, the Lord is the head of the church and all the followers are the parts of the body.

Don’t take this only just as knowledge

 but make the Lord your head, become the Lord’s body parts,

and take action absolutely whenever you take action in reality.

Then things will work out well because the Lord himself is taking action through that body.

However, because you make yourself the head, and then think and take action,

you only have big hopes and big goals, but in reality, things do not work out well.

You have to make the Lord your head and make the Lord’s thoughts your head,

and you have to take action as the Lord’s body.

Then miracles will happen every day.

However, it becomes a problem

when you say that you will take action making the Lord your head,

because when you take action in actuality, you do it while tilted toward your own thoughts.

Why do people promise to do things with the Lord as their head and according to the Lord’s thoughts, but actually do them while tilted toward their own thoughts?

In reality, they see things with their eyes and feel things with their physical bodies at that moment. That’s why they become physical, and they are drawn to acting upon their own thoughts.

Then, what must we do in order to achieve

a life of living with the Lord as our head and with the fiery inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

We have to empty our heads, our hearts, and thoughts.

Now, I bless that both your bodies and spirits will know correctly

and that your thoughts and your actions will change!

Before this year passes, I hope that everyone will make the Lord your head and take action

so that you can do the things you weren’t able to do this year without regrets.

12/5/2016 10:30:45 PM