[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok
[Scriptures] Ezekiel 4:6
When you have completed these, you shall lie down a second time,
but on your right side and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah;
I have assigned it to you for forty days, a day for each year.
If the body does not take action,
you will be confused about whether something is right or not.
That is why you have to take action.
If you take action, you will find out the answer.
Let’s say that there is a natural cave you’ve never been to before.
You cannot know its form and image unless you take action to go there.
If you are curious, you only need to go inside.
If you do, you will find out what the cave looks like – its form and image.
In this way, when you take action, you will find out.
Even if blessings are in front of you, even if something to gain is in front of you,
and even if hope, satisfaction, and joy are in front of you,
they will become yours only if you take action.
If you take action quickly, you will gain quickly,
and if you take action late, you will gain late.
Therefore, I hope you will gain and enjoy by discerning quickly and taking action quickly.
However, you cannot automatically discern quickly and take action quickly.
Whatever it is, you have to take action with God’s Word of truth.
Only then will you gain by taking action quickly, correctly, and according to God’s Will.
I pray for you to become faithful people of action who prepare the way for the Lord
by taking action according to God’s Word while doing your full responsibilities and missions,
and truly loving the Trinity.