
You have to do what is right in God’s eyes. Then it is beneficial even if it is difficult. Repeatedly say it, converse, pray, and talk about it. What you think can’t be true. If you resolve it, the answer will come out. If you are a bride, <what you have done> must match perfectly with <God’s thoughts>.

본문 .



[Preacher] Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] John 14:23


Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.

My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

People accept the things they have done in a way that is to their advantage,

they justify and delight in what they did, and they advocate for that side.

It is okay to acknowledge and like things that are proper in God’s eyes,

but the problem is that people acknowledge and justify things that are not proper.

From the start, you should center on God’s thoughts and discern right and wrong,

and whether you did right or wrong, you have to like the things that are proper in God’s sight, accept them, and be on that side.

Even though God has laws against it and even though their deeds are wrong,

people still acknowledge the side of the wrong.

They do so because that side has some positive attributes, in its own way.

Even though it may be difficult and hard, you have to do what is proper in God’s eyes.

Then it is beneficial to both your body and your spirit.

If you do what is good in the eyes of God, there are both difficulties and good things. However, when you think it through and check, there are far more good things.

Therefore, you should look at that and take action on the side that is good in God’s eyes even if it means you will face difficulties.

People who do their work even though it is difficult and hard live happily on that side.

People who fail to do their work do enjoy the positives because it is comfortable for them. However, they fail to gain due to failing to do their work, and they live advocating for that side. However, after doing the work that should be done, I see that doing it is better.


Even if it means you will face hardships, you must take action according to God’s Will and travel only the path of life, the path of gaining.

Now, even if you failed to do the work that you should do today, don’t be discouraged,

but instead, learn a lesson from your failure,

and tomorrow, surely take action with God’s heart, thoughts, and determination.

5/2/2017 9:28:02 PM