[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok
Today, I will deliver the message in form of proverbs.
Rest but don’t be idle. Instead, work.
Rest as needed, but do not be idle while working.
The joy of work is a heavenly gift that God has given to human beings.
Working steadily accomplishes much more than working explosively from moment to moment.
Work must be done with good knowledge.
Then there will be no problems, but many benefits instead.
Work must be done after seeing with your eyes, experiencing with your body,
and discerning accurately with your mind.
Work, if you are going to do it, must be done perfectly and completely.
If you work poorly, problems will occur.
You may even be harmed, so it would be better you hadn’t done it.
A person who doesn’t know how to work well should do it after learning and mastering it,
even if time runs out.
Because God is working hand in hand with you, you work diligently and wisely.
I bless that you will work diligently, fulfilling the heaven of love, heaven on earth,
and the heaven of the ideal world, while giving glory.