
Make your spirit shine as the 'most valuable gemstone.'

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[scripture] Matthew 16:27

For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.

Hallelujah!I bid you the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

This week, I gave the message telling you that you will be disappointed and discouraged if you look only at the <present>, so look ahead to the <future> and take action with hope.

The same is true for 'yourself' and also for the 'Rapture.' Do not be discouraged and disappointed by looking only at the <present>. Instead, you must look ahead to the <future> and make yourselves diligently with hope. 

<Heaven> is an ascending path and <Hell> is a descending path.

Claims that the body will rapture and go to Heaven are all lies. They are things people say according to their own thoughts without knowing the Bible properly because they are deceived by 'Satan' and deceived by 'ignorance.'

Through the ‘deeds of the body,’ the <soul> and <spirit> can transform into the form of Heaven, become raptured, and go to Heaven.

The <body> is like a 'tree' that enables fruits to be produced, and the <soul and the spirit> are like the 'fruits' that are borne on the tree. Just as only fruits go to the owner when the tree produces fruit, when the time comes, only the <soul and the spirit> that are made through the deeds of the body rapture and go to Heaven. And just as a tree withers and dies when the time comes, the body comes to an end on the earth.

Your body, soul, and spirit are made according to the ‘content and the level of the Word.’

In the <Old Testament>, [a person] is made according to the ‘frame of the Old Testament Word.’ In the <New Testament>, [a person] is made according to the ‘frame of the New Testament Word.’ And in the <Complete Testament>, [a person’s] soul and spirit are made along with the body according to the ‘frame of the Complete Testament Word.’

Your soul and spirit are made according to what your body does with the ‘resources of the Word.’

The ‘greatest gemstone in the world’ is a <human being>. And it is the <soul>. And the greatest gemstone by far is the <spirit>. If you make your spirit, you will live forever giving off brilliant light with the value of a citizen of Heaven.

The more expensive a gemstone is, the more flawless it is and the stronger its light is. Lives too: the more of a gemstone-life a person is, the more radiant and flawless they are. The same is true for the soul and spirit.

After hearing today’s message, I urge you to make yourselves into the ‘most expensive and dazzling <gemstone lives>, and <gemstone spirits and souls>.’

2/19/2014 3:03:44 PM