
You have to like the Holy Son. Then your constitution will agree and so you will live with Him.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Luke 11: 21-24

21) "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.
22) But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.
23) "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
24) "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.  Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.'

Hallelujah! To all of you who came today also to present your ‘sincere bodies and hearts’ to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son and to give glory through SERVICE, I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Just as a ‘person whose body has hardened’ cannot move beyond that because that has become their CONSTITUTION, a ‘person whose brain is hardened’ cannot think beyond that because stopping after thinking only up to that limit-line has become their CONSTITUTION.   They can think beyond that if they loosen their brains but they see THEIR BRAIN’S CONSTITUTION AND THOUGHTS’ CONSTITUTION as the LIMITATIONS OF THEIR THOUGHTS, LIMITATIONS OF THEIR INTELLIGENCE, AND THE LIMITATIONS OF THEIR ABILITIES and so they live failing to raise their level higher.

Do not think of your HARDENED CONSTITUTION as YOUR LIMITATION and say ‘it won’t work. It is hard.’ Instead, you must gradually change your BODY’S CONSTITUTION, BRAIN’S CONSTITUTION, AND THOUGHTS’ CONSTITUTION by continuing to loosen your ‘body, brain, and thoughts.’

The Holy Son acknowledges you and works with you in all the following: ‘things you do after you yourself have realized the Holy Son’s heart,’ the ‘way you are going after gaining knowledge through praying and conversing with the Holy Son,’ and the ‘way you are going after hearing the words of a person who knows.’ Just as you can see only if you look with your ‘eyes’ focused, with the ‘eyes of the heart and the eyes of the thoughts’ too, you must see through the thoughts by focusing them. Then you will realize and so you will see.

If a person makes his constitution into one that sleeps three hours, sleeping only three hours is enough. If a person makes his constitution into one that sleeps six hours, he must sleep six hours for it to be enough.   The same is true with eating. If you make your constitution into one that eats small portions, you are comfortable only if you eat small portions and if you make your constitution into one that overeats, you are satisfied only if you overeat.

A person is full only if he eats food as much as the capacity of his CONSTITUTION.  In this way, people accept GOD’S WORD only as much as the capacity of their HEART’S CONSTITUTION AND THOUGHTS’ CONSTITUTION.  Lives become different according to their HABITS, WAYS, AND CONSTITUTIONS. Therefore, if their ‘constitutions’ are not right, both their ‘deeds’ and their ‘daily lives’ are not right.

It is to ‘improve the constitution.’ This is ‘revolutionizing yourself.  However, ‘improving the constitution’ cannot be done overnight. It is to change it gradually.  A lazy person likes being idle because being lazy has become his constitution. Therefore, [for him], being diligent is painful. It is to make changes gradually step by step while making small movements.

I bless that by listening to today's message, do not continuously have a difficult time being bound in YOUR CONSTITUTION, YOUR THOUGHTS, AND YOUR TASTE and not going over YOUR LIMIT.. Gradually loosen your HARDENED BODY, BRAIN, AND THOUGHTS  and become transformed at a higher level.

5/15/2014 10:01:40 AM