
Management is life.

본문 .



In order to enable the ‘spirit’ to exist, 

[The Trinity] create the ‘body, the ‘soul,’ the ‘earth’ and ‘nature,’ 

and manage them.

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 26:41

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Hallelujah! I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

If you want to have correct knowledge about MANAGEMENT, you must know the following first before anything else. In order to create and enable ‘one being or object’ to exist, you must create 'other things that are necessary for doing that,’ and enable them to exist by managing them.

No matter how much a person manages and loves a 'singing bird,' if he does not provide management for the 'environment the bird lives in,' the 'bird' will ultimately die too. You must not destroy the 'insects the bird eats' but rather, enable them to exist; you must not get rid of the 'things that the insects feed and exist on’ but rather manage and love them; you must also manage and keep clean the 'environment the bird lives in.' Then the bird will also exist. 

In the same way, in order to enable HUMAN BEINGS, which are ‘beings higher in level than nature,’ to exist, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son manage CREATION, which is ‘things that are lower in level than human beings,’ according to their own levels as if they are life.

The [Trinity] cannot enable only the EARTH to exist. The EARTH can ultimately exist only if there is the CREATION IN THE UNIVERSE, which is the 'foundation the earth exists in.' They cannot enable only HUMAN BEINGS to exist. HUMAN BEINGS can ultimately exist only if there are the EARTH and the CREATION, which is the 'foundation human beings live in.'  Also, They cannot enable only the SPIRITS OF HUMAN BEINGS to exist. The BODY, which is the 'foundation for the spirit' must be present. Then the SPIRIT can also exist. 

That is why God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son created the CREATION IN THE UNIVERSE in order to enable the EARTH to exist and manage it as if it is life, created the EARTH AND CREATION, and manage them as if they are life so that human beings can exist, and created the BODIES OF HUMAN BEINGS to enable the SPIRITS OF HUMAN BEINGS to exist, and manage them as if they are life.

It is to save and rapture the SPIRITS OF HUMAN BEINGS that [the Trinity] create the UNIVERSE, the EARTH, and the BODIES OF HUMAN BEINGS and manage them.

It is to save and rapture the SPIRITS OF HUMAN BEINGS All the PRINCIPLES OF EXISTENCE FOR EVERYTHING are like that.People too. If He creates and manages only their ‘spirits,’ they cannot sustain their existence. He has to create the ‘body,’ create the ‘soul,’ create the ‘earth where the body lives,’ and create ‘all nature on earth,’ and create them to live according to the principle of the strong preying on the weak according to their kingdoms. Then they can exist. 

Since all the principles of existence for everything are like this, I pray that you will work hard on enabling your soul and spirit to continue to exist and mature them by treating your bodies as if they are life and manage them.

8/13/2014 11:38:03 AM