
This is a time of inspiration. This is a time of putting you in a good mood. This is a time of thoughts. At this time, do your responsibility with your body.

본문 .

This is a time of inspiration. This is a time of putting you in a good mood. 

This is a time of thoughts.

At this time, do your responsibility with your body.

‘Destiny’ is determined by a crack*.
(* Translation note: 틈 can mean a gap, a crack, an opening, 
a chance, and also fragment or sliver of time.)

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Proverbs 1:6 

         6 for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Today, I will deliver proverbs of wisdom that are good to remember, good to use, 

and good to take action on.

The thoughts you have when you are inspired, excited, and happy are different from regular thoughts.

You have to do things when you are inspired, excited, and happy.

That is the moment when your brain, heart, thoughts, and body are all soaring.

Therefore, you can do a good job if you do things at that moment.

You have to do things at the moment they come to mind. Then you will not forget them.

Once the brain forgets something, it cannot recall it at all. 

This is something all of you know because you experienced it.

Look properly at the moment it is visible to your eyes.

If something is not visible to the eyes, both its image and form will disappear.

It is to record and remember it in your brain properly at the moment 

when it is before your eyes

It is to look carefully at the moment you are seeing it.

If you only glance at it, you will not be sure even if you have seen it.

The eyes and the brain remember things together as partners.

Sometimes you don’t remember an image even if you see it every day. 

At such times, look at photos of it.

The brain cannot clearly remember an image if it sees something only once. 

If you look away from one person and look at another person, 

the first image will turn over to the second one.

Even after you’ve forgotten a person’s face, when you see that person’s photo, 

you will remember their name and recall their image.

The same is true with the Bible and the Word. 

You cannot remember it clearly if you look at it only once.

Therefore, you should look at even a small portion of the Word every day.

The best way is to think about the Word regularly and to not detach it from your thoughts.  


If you forget, you will die.

If you forget, you will die means that it will disappear from your brain altogether.

Don’t just tell yourself not to forget it, but think so that you don’t forget it. 

Take action so that you do not forget.

Some people forget the Almighty God, Holy Spirit, and Holy Son all day long.

If they do that, it is a loss only for the one who forgets.

You don’t know on what day God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son will give you 

something you have been wishing for until now.

However, if the day you forget the Trinity is 

the day the Trinity want to give it to you, then you will end up not receiving it.

If you don’t want to forget, you have to call and seek Them all the time, 

think about Them every day, and converse with Them.

An ant sees an insignificant insect crushed by a person and drags it home sweating 

with its life on the line.

It works anxiously thinking that it might be crushed by a person too.

The ant cannot catch that insect by itself.

It is able to drag it home because a person stepped on it.

The ant sees that, says “what a stroke of luck,” and drags it home.

An ant cannot catch an insect by itself, 

but it can still drag away an insect that a person has stepped on.

In the same way, even though it is something that you could not gain on your own, 

it is an eternal windfall that you gained through the help of the Trinity and the Lord.

Hurry up, grab it, and drag it away! Make it yours!

It is a time of inspiration and it is a time of putting you in a good mood. 

It is a time of thoughts.

At the moment you are inspired, at the moment you are in a good mood, and at the moment something comes to mind – do your responsibility and take action with your body!

Time is like the materials you are going to use for taking action.

It is about having time, resources, and actions.

A lot of time is used up when taking action.

However, even that time is only an instant.

Be prepared at all times and use the fragment of time available.

If you combine all the things you do in those fragments of time, it is a tremendous amount.

There were times when something you did in a fragment of available time 

was more than what you did all day.

That's because you did those things at the right moment.

Let’s say that you are going to take a photo of the sunrise.

If you fail to take the photo within one or two minutes of the sun rising, 

you will not be able to take a photo of the sunrise that day even if you have all day. 

In this way, sometimes the opportunity is just for an instant.

Fragments of time are opportunities.

Depending on whether you take action at that moment or not,

your destiny will change for the better or for the worse.

Those fragments of available time are extremely short.

However, there are many people whose destinies change at those times.

In times of danger, people sometimes survive 

by looking out through a chink in the door and running away.

Mosquitoes also watch for a chance.

They make use of that small chance and bite you and leave in no time. 

The Almighttoo, comes in through a fragment of available time, and either meets with you 

when you are ready, or leaves in an instant if you are not ready.

Sometimes your destiny is decided by that tiny opening.

There was a marathon runner who won by drinking water and quenching his thirst 

in a tiny sliver of time.

If you are always short of time no matter how much you try, use fragments of available time.

If you do, you will not be short of time.

A gap is a tiny opening. However, it determines the destiny of the whole.

This is because the opponent sees the whole through that gap.

A tiny opening determines your destiny.

The same is true with time and actions.

Your destiny is determined by whether or not you take action 

with that fragment of available time.

Even in battle, the enemy is always looking to exploit the fragment of available time.

People fall victim while their hearts are relaxed at that moment.

You always fall victim when you are relaxed and lazy. You fail at that point.


If you know the enemy ahead of time, you will lure the enemy into a trap and solve the problem 

by making him fall into a pit.

Therefore, I pray that everyone will take action in this way. 

1/5/2016 4:23:21 PM