
Those who don’t know are blind. Organizing and incinerating.

본문 .


월명동 설립자 jms 정명석목사 하늘과 땅의 아름다운 조화를 보여주는 아름답고 신비하고 웅장한 자연성전 월명동 정명석선생이 태어난 달이 밝은 월명동 기독교복음선교회 정명석총재가 만든 월명동  상록수 월성 월명동의 아름다운 풍경 정명석총재 정명석교주 만남과대화 그것이 알고싶다 정명석

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] 1John 4:6

We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit[a] of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

Organizing is a temporary measure to deal with urgent matters for now.

Incinerating is when you have solved the fundamental problem.

When you just set your heart to get it done, that is organizing.

That will not fundamentally solve anything.

Therefore, it will get backed up again, become messy again and give you a headache, and you will go back to the way it was before without achieving fundamental transformation. You have to actually get rid of it by doing it. This is incinerating.

Both in faith and in life, you should not just organize bad things in your head but instead, you should incinerate them altogether.

If you stop after doing it for a short time or don’t take action with all your heart, you have only organized and therefore, you have changed only temporarily.

You have to do it with all your heart. Then you will incinerate and change fundamentally.

When you transform, things that did not exist before come into existence.

Therefore, transformation is construction and development.

In this way, you transform according to how much you take action in everything you do in life.

Therefore, starting from now, you should not just organize your life, but live the life of incinerating.

In other words, you have to go beyond the life of organizing in which you only make up your mind to take action and only make plans!

You have to live the life of incinerating in which you get rid of the work you should do by getting it done, and where you serve and love the Trinity and the Lord and make yourself even more complete.

In this way, completely finish the things you should do and make yourself: that is incineration.

If you do that, you will never go back to the past.

From that time on, it is a complete transformation and a new world.

After listening to this message, I bless you to live the life of completely settling things and incinerating.

5/21/2016 9:51:44 AM