[Preacher] Jung Myung Seok
Before a life, there are two paths: the path of success and the path of failure.
However, if you see what happens in life, in most cases,
the side of success is 10% and the side of failure is 90%.
Why is it like that?
It is because things don’t turn out the way your heart desires and the way you expect.
Also, the success rate is only 10% because you are trying to cast away
your actions of the past and travel a new path.
No matter who you are, casting away the old life you used to live, the old path,
and following a new path is really difficult.
The reason is that you have to cast away
your old life, old thoughts, and established ways,
and live the new life accordingly in a new way.
At the time when Jesus came, the Israelites were practicing their established way of faith
while believing in God and centering on the Old Testament Laws.
They did not accept the new Word because of their established ways.
They disbelieved in Jesus and so could not come to the new history and the new path.
There were also two different paths before Jesus:
the path of glory or the path of affliction as the Bible records.
If the people of that time period believed in and accepted Jesus,
he would walk the path of glory,
but if they did not believe in and accept Jesus, he would walk the path of affliction.
However, Jesus being the Lord of glory was
10% on the side of success and 90% on the side of failure.
It was because he was not saving them by teaching them the old Mosaic Laws
that the Jewish people had already believed in and followed.
He had to teach them the new Word of the New Testament
that God had given him and make them believe in him, Jesus himself,
as the Messiah in order to fulfill the salvation that God wanted for that time period.
If salvation were decided only by Jesus’ heart, then it would be easy
because it would only be a matter of Jesus doing everything.
However, salvation is not something the savior does by himself.
It is fulfilled when those to be saved believe, follow, and take action.
However, the people who believed in God centering on the old Laws failed to give up their established ways, disbelieved, persecuted, and opposed Jesus.
In other words, there was an 80%~90% probability
that he would walk the path of affliction on the side of failure.
Despite that, Jesus ultimately got it done with that slim 10% probability!
Jesus took action to the end with all his heart, will, and life.
And by handing his own body over to the cross,
Jesus paid the price on behalf of the sinners.
By turning the tables that had tilted toward death
through the condition of that sacrifice and love,
Jesus opened the path of salvation for all mankind
and initiated the new history and path of the New Testament.
In the same way, challenge yourselves with the disadvantageous circumstances
that you face in life and in faith.
I pray that you will take action with the Lord from now on,
by giving it all your heart, will and life,
and with a mentality that you will travel the path of life even if it is difficult.