
The World of the Body, the Soul, and the Spirit

본문 .

Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:23

23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.




I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus. 

If you just look at human beings, it seems that it is only their ‘physical body’ that exists. That’s why there are many people who say, “When a person’s body dies, that’s the end. What ‘spirit’ do they say exists forever? What Heaven and what Hell do they say exist?”

When human beings are divided and analyzed, there is ‘the body of flesh,’ ‘the body of the soul,’ and ‘the body of the spirit.’ According to their deeds, a person’s physical body receives things in the world of the physical body, the soul receives things in the world of the soul, and the spirit receives things in the world of the spirit.

With TIME too, if you perceive it without dividing it, all you see is what hour it is. But if you divide it and look at it, it can be differentiated as ‘hour–minute–second.’

With A PERSON’S PHYSICAL BODY too, if you perceive it without dividing it, it seems that it is only one whole body. But if you divide and look at it, it has various body parts and the body has hundreds of functions. 

With a PEN too, if you perceive it without dividing it, it seems that it is just a one-piece ball-pointed pen. But if you divide and look at it, there is an ‘outer handle – an ink tube – and a ball, which writes letters, inserted into the ink tube.’

With THE UNIVERSE, if you divide and examine it, there is ‘the Sun – the moon – the stars,’ ‘various planets,’ and ‘the Earth.’ You have to look at things by dividing them, then you can know them properly.

With a FAMILY also, if you divide it, there is ‘the father – the mother – and the children.’ You have to look at [a family], breaking it down, in order to deal with them with correct knowledge. If you look at them without dividing, you will deal with them in an uncertain and vague way.

With human beings too, if you only look at the physical body, [human beings] seem to be just one physical body. But if you see from the spiritual world, human beings exist as a physical body – a soul body – and a spiritual body. These entities exist looking slightly different from one another. This is why the Holy Son Lord said through Apostle Paul to keep our body, soul, and spirit clean and blameless.

Today will speak focusing only on the ‘body’ and the ‘soul.’

Since the ‘body’ can be seen with physical eyes and exists as a body, a mass of flesh, we know about it well. However, the ‘soul’ cannot be seen with physical eyes and doesn’t exist as a body, in the flesh, so we don’t know about it well. 

The ‘soul,’ which is referred to as the heart, mind, and thoughts, does its activities in the world using the body during the DAY. At NIGHT, especially when the body is asleep, it does its activities as the soul through the body in the world of the soul, which is the spiritual world. 

You can see yourself in dreams, right? That entity is ‘the soul body.’ It is the soul appearing through the body projecting your heart and mind. When it appears in the spiritual world, the soul appears as ‘the spiritual body.’ When it appears in this world, the physical world, the soul appears as ‘the physical body.’ 

All human beings do their activities as a body, a soul, and a spirit. THE BODY does its activities with the heart and mind of the body in the world, which is the world of the body. When the body sleeps, THE SOUL does its activities through its own body in dreams, in the world of the soul, using the heart and mind of the body. THE SPIRIT does its activities in the world of the spirit with the heart, mind, and thoughts of the spirit.

Have to repent of all things thoroughly and make your ‘soul’ clean, pure, and without blemish. Your soul entity will be doing the very same things in DREAMS that your physical body and heart have done. Everyone, look at your soul entity in dreams and make yourself clean through repentance.

8/20/2012 12:11:04 AM