
Learn Diligently, Know, and Take Action

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Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”




I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.

Even for what is right, you have to ‘believe’ it in order for you to accept it. When it comes to receiving salvation, you cannot receive it as you please just because you want to be saved, and with going to Heaven also, you cannot go there as you please just because you want to go. Heaven is God’s kingdom, so if God does not want you to go there, you cannot go there. It means that all of you have come to this place through other people because God wanted you to come. 

God and the Holy Son have chosen you and led you here in order to give you all kinds of blessings for the sake of ‘salvation.’ Therefore, you should learn and know properly about God and the Holy Son Lord, learn what you must do to go to Heaven, and take action. Heaven, the Kingdom, is a place our ‘spirit’ goes to, not our body. Thus, you have to learn how our spirits have come into existence and what our bodies must do for our spirits to go to Heaven. If you simply believe without learning, you will stop believing along the way because your fundamental knowledge is unclear and indefinite.

When creating human beings, God created them as ‘the physical body – the soul body – and the spiritual body.’ He made the soul, which is the heart and mind of the body, in such a way that it will live wearing the body and that its deeds and heart will be transferred to the spirit entirely. He created human beings’ bodies and spirits to be saved in this way and only the spirits that have transformed through the body and soul to come to Heaven afterwards.

Even though God has created us in this way, human beings often think, ‘When human beings die, that’s the end. Where is a Heaven? Where is a Hell? What do they mean people go to Hell and suffer forever or go to Heaven and enjoy happiness forever?’ They speak as if they themselves were god who has complete sovereignty over heaven and earth, even though they don’t know the truth. These things are said by those who are ignorant because they haven’t been to the spiritual world. They speak in that way because they don’t know the absolute laws and principles that God has created.

In this world too, those who haven’t been to a foreign country only insist on the things of their country. If someone speaks about a foreign country, they consider it to be a mere dream and say that it doesn’t feel real to them. It doesn’t feel real to them even though they hear about it because they haven’t been there.  The same is true with the spiritual world, Heaven, and Paradise. If you haven’t been there, when you hear about those places, they don’t feel real, and you will perceive them as fantasy worlds or worlds that people made up.

If you can’t believe in ‘the spiritual body’ or ‘the spiritual world,’ I encourage you to hear about them from people who have been to the spiritual world twenty times, fifty times, or a hundred times and have seen spirits.If you believe with correct knowledge, you won’t stop believing along the way and you won’t believe in a mediocre way either.

You can become aware of that only if you hear the Word and realize.There're things that though you have seen them, you do not realize that you have

If you want to see and know more, pray.

Bless all of you to learn diligently, know, and take action

8/26/2012 9:55:24 PM