
1. Animals Grab With ‘Teeth,’ but Human Beings Grab With the ‘Mouth.’ 2. The Authority of an Iron Scepter

본문 .

1. Animals Grab With ‘Teeth,’ but Human Beings Grab With the ‘Mouth.’
2. The Authority of an Iron Scepter




Luke 12:49  
49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!

John 1:14
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Revelation 2:26-27
26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father.




I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.

Look at animals. If they can’t catch prey with their teeth, they will starve to death. Look carefully at how tigers, leopards, and cheetahs all hunt. Watch closely how they catch the prey with their teeth. Among animals, cheetahs are the best at hunting. They are good because they are fast. When cheetahs run, they reach 130km/hour in 30 seconds. Within a matter of a few seconds, they accelerate at a tremendous rate and run very fast. So they have to hunt as fast as possible in order to succeed.

Since they are fast, cheetahs catch ‘antelopes,’ the most delicious prey on earth. Antelopes run at 70~90km/hour, so other predators cannot catch them even if they want to. That’s why only cheetahs, which are the fastest, catch antelopes. But even though they are fast, it doesn’t mean they succeed at hunting no matter what. So they hunt by utilizing their strong points while changing the method in various ways.

The Almighty God also created heaven, earth, all things, and human beings with His ‘mouth,’ that is, with ‘words.’ That is why human beings, who resemble His image, likeness, character, and ability, should also grab lives that are going toward death with the ‘mouth,’ that is, with ‘words,’ and help them go to the path of life.

Satan and wicked people also use the strategy of slandering with their ‘mouth’ and they deceive and drag people away. They entice with some words that seem beneficial. You must not fall into their schemes and you should pray. (Whenever you say ‘with mouth,’ point at your mouth with your hands. Thinking of how you suffered because of slanderers, [make gestures and preach] in a way that the slanderers and satans will feel exposed and stunned.) For Satan and wicked people, ‘deceiving is their power’ and ‘lying is their power’ (2 Thess. 2:9). Please don’t be deceived. They entice you by only saying good things, claiming that they will give you benefits. They find out your weak points and entice you saying that they will resolve all those issues. They are all lies with no foundation whatsoever. If you live at least without being deceived by Satan, wicked people, and swindlers, you can easily walk on your path of faith and the path of your life without failing.

Animals hold preys and the things they need tightly using their teeth.

We who are human beings should grab the Holy Son, his branch entity, our brothers and lives with ‘the words of shimjeong and with truthful love that they desire.'

For the wrong you have done, grab Holy Son through repentance and hold onto Holy Son with the mouth of hope.

Pray and bless that the history may take place each day and each one of you who hold onto the Holy Son, with ‘truthful words of shimjeong and with love.’



10/14/2012 10:51:03 PM