
Shine the Light of the New History

본문 .


Isaiah 60:1-3
1 )“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2) See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
3) Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.

When the earth spins once around its axis, 24 hours of one day pass. Once the earth orbits the sun once, 365 days of one year pass. When the earth spins and thus takes 365 steps, one rotation around the sun ends, doesn’t it? And if the earth revolves around the sun 90 times, a life becomes 90 years old and ends, doesn’t it? Therefore, hurry and shine the light. Within the period of time the Earth runs 90 laps around the sportsfield of the sky, a life grows, studies, learns, acquires success, makes their mark in the world, and enjoys themselves. Therefore, life is short, is it not? That is why there is no time to enjoy even if one becomes successful.


The earth does not grow tired but runs at the same speed from start to finish Therefore, after a human body is born on the earth, as it grows and learns academically, it must live learning about God and the Savior and receiving salvation.


You must know just how fast the earth is orbiting and you must shine your light while you are young. You must shine your light in your teens, shine your light in your 20s at full throttle, shine your light skillfully in your 30s, and in your 40s~50s, shine your light in a skillful and dignified manner saying, “Look here!” And in your 50s~70s, you must shine your final light.


Everyone, shine the light of the new time.
Right now is the time for you to rise and shine your light before it becomes even later. So everyone, I pray and bless that the history of rising and shining the light of the spirit, soul, and body will work upon you.

1/20/2013 6:21:22 PM