
The One Who Quarrels and Wrestles with Me

본문 .


Proverbs 1:5-7
5) Let the wise listen and add to their learning,and let the discerning get guidance—
6) for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.
7) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus

In your dream, you see your soul quarreling and wrestling with an opponent.

I will tell you what in reality causes this and what such dreams mean.


Knowing what the opponent who quarrels and wrestles with you in dreams signifies is like gaining one quadrillion pieces of gold.

The person who quarrels and wrestles with your soul in dreams refers to ‘the things that you failed to complete in reality.’ ‘The things that you failed to complete in reality’ are seen as an environment sometimes, seen as Satan sometimes, seen as an animal sometimes, seen as a snake sometimes, seen as different beasts sometimes, seen as someone who does not exist in the physical world sometimes, or seen as the soul entity of a person who quarrels with you in the physical world. They appear in your dreams and quarrel and wrestle with you.


If you complete only 90% of what you must do and your soul entity goes to the soul world, the 10% that you did not complete becomes your opponent and quarrels and wrestles with you.


Since you only need to do 10% to win, this 10% appears as a child sometimes, so you lightly defeat it. Or sometimes, it appears as a narrow stream, so you easily cross it, too.


However, sometimes, my body completed 90% out of 100 things during the day and the 10% I could not do appeared in a dream; it came out as a bull that stands before me and wrestled with me. Then doing that 10% work that had not been done was more difficult than doing the 90%. It was as difficult as defeating a bull.


You, too, may experience that you easily finish up the 10% work that was undone in some cases. But in other cases, even though you have finished 90% or 95%, doing the rest, 10% or 5% more, may be extremely difficult. That is why it is said that if you complete even the rest and finish 100%, you become a hero.


 You must do your responsibilities, then you will overcome all of the opponents that quarrel and wrestle with you in the soul world. As a result, those who quarrel and wrestle with you in the soul world will disappear. ‘The victory of the body’ is ‘the victory of the soul’ and ‘the victory of the spirit.’


I have taught you the method by which your soul entity can defeat 100% those who quarrel and wrestle with you in dream. Therefore, now please practice. All that is left is for you to take action.


I pray that the peace and love of the Holy Son fill all of you abundantly.

4/18/2013 6:23:18 PM