
Whether a Tribe Is Good or Bad, If a Person Is Born in a Tribe They Become a Part of That Tribe, and Believe, Love, and Worship in It

본문 .



John 8:43-45
43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

everyone in the world knows that ‘God is the One and Only God.’

However, even though they are aware of that, they do not believe in the One and Only God, who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Instead, they serve, worship, honor, care for, and boast about idols to an extreme degree and live bowing down to them.

They are that way because they are tempted by Satan, because they do not know because they are ignorant

It is because they do not know. It is because they do not know the Almighty and while worshiping idols and believing in heresy, their forefathers raised their children to belong to that tribe, and instill in them the way to believe in idols or heresy from a young age. Thus their brains became firmly hardened in that way.

[People of] a tribe cannot leave the tribe. Whether that tribe is good or bad, they become [a part of] that tribe and they, themselves, come to believe, worship, and follow what the tribe has believed and worshipped.

A snake lives together with snakes liking one another.
Because they are of the same kind, they live together liking one another. It is the same with human beings.

It is one’s own tribe and one’s own constitution.
This is ‘the life that a person decided with their free will.’

If a snake gives birth, [its offspring] are snakes, so [the offspring] live loving and serving the snake.
If a scorpion gives birth, [its offspring] are scorpions, so [the offspring] live loving and serving the scorpion.

If it is born as a seed of a lotus-persimmon tree, it becomes a lotus-persimmon tree, which is a wild persimmon tree, and it lives being treated as that. It is unavoidable. The lotus-persimmon tree, the wild persimmon tree, must be cut, and a cultivated persimmon tree must be grafted onto it. Only then will it become a cultivated persimmon tree and live bearing cultivated persimmons.

Wicked people, idol worshippers, and those who believe in heretical religions all should be grafted with the truth of the domain that belongs to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, and they must live obeying the Word of the Trinity. By doing so, they should become people who belong to God.

When it comes to RELIGION, once a person makes a wrong choice, they have to believe in [that domain], toiling there until they die. What happens is that they send themselves to death by making a wrong choice due to ‘ignorance’ and believing in the wrong thing. Therefore, you must realize what injustice it is to not know.

In this way, people must figure out 100% who the person they will serve is and they must choose a religion really well. That choice will determine the life of the body and the eternal life of the spirit.

It is absolutely only ‘God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son’ who are the Divine Beings in the entire world. I pray and bless that everyone learn and realize properly about the time period.

9/27/2013 11:44:55 AM