
Do Not Miss the Opportunity

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[Scriptures]Isaiah 55:6-9
6) Seek the Lord while he may be found;call on him while he is near.
7) Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them,and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
8) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord.
9) “As the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

11) He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

You need to listen to this message well, then you will grab 'the opportunities that come every day' and grab 'the best opportunity that you have waited for until now,' and thus, fulfill your hope.

All of you might have experienced: opportunity is not something that comes often.

There is an opportunity to seize an opportunity. When an opportunity comes, [people] act halfheartedly and clumsily and end up missing various opportunities. Afterwards, they cry, regret, and then wait for another opportunity. Some people wait vaguely with hope even though the opportunity will never come to them again. Even if the opportunity comes again, it will come in a different way in a different area.

God surely gives all human beingsan opportunity that lets them believe in God. This opportunity is the greatest of all opportunities in their entire life. In addition, God also gives opportunities for each person to fulfill their wishes according to their uniqueness.

The Holy Son also comes looking for an opportunity. So we should create an opportunity for Him by praying and opening the door of our hearts to Him.

When an opportunity comes, you are inspired with thoughts, and thus can take action. When an opportunity comes, both spiritual and physical inspiration come. The situation is created. God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son also take action. That time is an opportunity. You must take action at that time.

You should raise your level in all things every day; then a better opportunity comes.

THE TIME OF OPPORTUNITY is the most suitable time when you are able to act—it is the time of a quadrillion pieces of gold. An opportunity comes and it goes, sometimes after one second, sometimes after one minute, sometimes after one hour, and sometimes after one day. Therefore, when an opportunity comes, you must put everything else aside and do it as the top priority.

You must ‘pray’ then you will recognize an opportunity and grab it. Also, you must wait while preparing and getting ready for an opportunity and while working on the constitution of your brain, the constitution of your heart, and the constitution of your body. Furthermore, you need ‘wisdom’ in order to grab an opportunity.

Now is the time when the spirit is raptured, which has come for the first time ever since the beginning of the 6000-year history of religion; it is the greatest and most opportune time for everybody. You must grab this opportunity more than anything else.

It is an opportunity when you see; it is an opportunity when you hear, and it is an opportunity when it is close by. Everyone, I bless in the name of the Holy Son that you will not miss this opportunity but take action diligently and passionately, thus seize the opportunity and take action!

10/11/2013 1:13:16 PM