
Finding is the treasure.You must see it from the right direction. Then you will see it.

본문 .



Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Matthew 5:48
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.


The first title of today’s message is ‘Finding is a treasure.’


Instead of just asking for new things to be given to you, you must find them.

Finding new things is treasure.
[The act of] finding itself is treasure.

Gaining something new and different is a treasure too, but finding something new among the things you already possess is also a treasure.


In this way, God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son become the biggest treasures to those who find the meaning and value even more deeply!


The second title is ‘You must see it from the right direction. Then you will see it.

If you want to see the images on a rock, you must look at it ‘exactly from that direction.’ Then you will see it clearly.

in everything you do, you must take action upon them after seeing them from the right direction and the right position.


In the same way, God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son, and the Bunche all must be seen from the right place and from the right direction. Then you will become 'one in shimjeong, one in the Word,' and only at that time you will be moved and feel, realize, be inspired, and see it as being mysterious and beautiful.


The Words in the Bible too. Depending on the direction and depending on the explanation, one will know whether it is a prophet, a central figure, the Messiah, the Holy Son, the Holy Spirit, or God.


If you see things from a different direction according to false logic, you will end up saying, "The Divine does not exist. God does not exist," and you will say, "The Holy Spirit does not exist. The Holy Spirit refers to God's Divinity." And you will say, "How can Jesus be the Messiah?" You end up doing that because you see it from a different direction when you must actually see it from the right direction to see it properly.


 the WORD OF THE TIME PERIOD too must be heard from the correct direction, position, and angle. Then people will see the 'man-of-mission sent to the earth' well and realize properly. This is true for 'God,' 'the Holy Spirit,' and 'the Holy Son' also.


No matter who they are, as much as people have raised the level of their thoughts, they will (1) discover hidden treasures, realize high level truths that are hidden, and achieve what you need to achieve according to the times.


I pray and bless to receive GRACE OF DIRECTION through this message, realize hundreds of things, and be 'full of the Holy Spirit, full of truth, full of transformation, full of communion, and full of love.'

11/15/2013 9:18:47 AM