
If you miscalculate, it will be a different world

본문 .



Isaiah 55:8-9 (God’s calculation is different)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Luke 14:31

Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand?



I bid you the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.


When it comes to LANGUAGE, there are ‘many ways’ to describe about the same thing.

For example, when a person dies, ‘He died. He is sleeping. He went back. He put his spoon down. He left the world. He departed. His life expired. He is deceased,’ etc., there are many ways to say it.


However, when it comes to MATH, there is only ‘one’ universal answer to each question throughout the world.

The answer to ‘three plus three’ is ‘six.’ No matter which way you calculate it, there is only ‘one’ answer, which is ‘six.’ The answer to ‘three minus three’ is ‘zero.’ No matter which way you calculate it, there is only ‘one’ answer, which is ‘zero.’


I want you to look at it while thinking in terms of ‘money.’ If you add something that should be multiplied, you will suffer a terrible loss. If you subtract something that should be multiplied, you will suffer a much more immense loss. If you divide something that should be multiplied, you will suffer an even more enormous loss.

Also, if something should be subtracted but you leave it alone or add to it instead, there will be a tremendous difference in the amount. If you miscalculate, the outcome will be a completely different world.


You must know the mathematical principles regarding ‘addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and just leaving it alone,’ and calculate well. Then you will not suffer loss. It is the same as you live your life and also as you lead a life of faith. If you want to succeed, you must work hard, put in effort, and also calculate well.


When it comes to your own problem, you cannot calculate them well. You cannot calculate them well because you think according to your physical nature, think being restricted by the environment, or because your brain is hardened and low in level, thus you are influenced psychologically by the things that are visible to the eyes. That is why, by praying, you must tell God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son your situation and ask Them to calculate it for you, and then take action according to that thoughts. If you do it that way, as long as you take action, it will be ‘happiness,’ and ‘blessing.’


The way we calculate and the way the Holy Son calculates are different. Why? The Holy Son calculates by including everything that is visible as well as invisible, whether good or evil. That is why His answer comes up different from what we calculated.

If, as you live your daily life, you miscalculate based on centering on yourself, your own thoughts, and your perceptions... you will suffer terrible losses even though you have done tremendous amount of hard work. You obtain a tremendously different answer because you subtracted when you should have multiplied. Therefore, praying at predawn every day, you must receive the calculations the Holy Son has made for you.


‘If you miscalculate, it will be a different world.’ Every day, do not forget this Word from your brain, and every time you have a problem to calculate, you must pray to the Holy Son, since there are things the Holy Son planned, he will make the calculations while incorporating those plans too. When that happens, a method of calculation that will change your destiny will come forth.


“Calculate correctly. If you miscalculate, it will be a different world.” –- All of you must clearly memorize this Word, which is like an eternal treasure of pure gold in your brains and treat it as [your] life.


12/6/2013 12:18:26 PM