
It is thoughts - action - creation of true reality.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung, Myeong Seok

[Script] James 2:16-17
If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

The warm season of spring has come. The season of stretching our once cowering shoulders wide open and taking action in earnest has come. The ‘time of gaining’ by taking action has come. 

To take action, you must first have ‘work to be done.’ To receive the work to be done, you must first, ‘pray.’ If you have prayed and received the work to be done from the Holy Son, then you must make sure to ‘take action.’

You should take action but must make sure to take action at the ‘right time’ and at the ‘right moment.’ Then you will gain a lot. As you are taking action, you must make sure to check to see whether or not there are problems. When taking action, you must take action while discussing with the Holy Son and the Bunche. If it is work that should be done together, you should form a team and make sure to do it together.

Lastly, you must not forget that: 

The <design> [comes from] ‘God,’

The <inspiration> [comes from] the ‘Holy Spirit,’ 

The <protection> [is provided by] the ‘Holy Son,’ 

And <putting it into practice> [is the job of] ‘us, who have become united with the Holy Son and the Bunche.’

You must use the <heart and thoughts>. Then they will remain as something ‘truly existing.’ If you live your life making only the <heart, thoughts, concepts, and plans> good, it is nothing more than ‘heaven of the heart.’ It cannot be ‘heaven that exists in reality.’

If the Almighty Being uses ‘your body,’ it can be used ten thousand times, a million times, a trillion times more valuably. <Lives> too. Depending on whether God uses them or they use themselves, the ‘value’ of that life becomes as different as heaven and earth.

Now that the warm season has come, I bless you to thaw out the ‘hardened brains’ and ‘hardened bodies,’ and bless you to be filled abundantly with the ‘power, spiritual powers, wisdom, and strength’ that God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son give you so you will run and do even more.

3/5/2014 5:03:14 PM