
True mentor of life

본문 .


[Message]Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scripture]Matthew 23:8

But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.

Hallelujah!To all of you who turned your steps toward church and came today also to hear the Holy Son’s Word, I bid you the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

The Almighty Holy Son has returned to this earth and the person the Holy Son took as His bunche, made His bride, and sent [to the world] has received training and tempering, received the <Word of the time period>, and has preached it to the world. You have heard that Word and have followed <God’s New History>. 

For <human beings> who possess the ‘body that is on the side of the earth,’ and the ‘spirit that is on the side of the heavens,’ unless it is teachings and mentoring of God, who created heaven and earth and all creation, and the Holy Son, who saves human beings according to the time period, they are nothing more than ‘temporary,’ ‘momentary,’ and ‘transitory’ mentoring.  

The <eternal mentoring for the body, the mind, and the soul and spirit> is the ‘perfect Word of the Holy Son.’ That is, the ‘Word of life that the Holy Son delivers through the person He has sent in this time period.’ The person who received the eternal Word from God and the Holy Son and brought it is the <teacher of the time period> and the <mentor to lives>.

Anyone is capable of mentoring life in ‘one thing.’ People have ‘bodies that live on the earth,’ and ‘spirits, that are on the side of heaven, that live forever.’ Therefore, unless [a mentor] provides ‘two kinds’ of mentoring of <physical things, spiritual things>, they cannot be a true mentor. 

Anyone can provide ‘temporary mentoring.’ Anyone can provide ‘mentoring that causes the <spirit> ruin and lets the <body> prosper.‘ ‘A person who makes both the <body> and <spirit> prosper’ is a true mentor.

Right now, in this time period, ‘the true mentor who will guide your body and spirit’ is alive in the global village. 

3/21/2014 4:49:51 PM