
Time is not the problem. How you go there is the problem.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scripture] Joshua 10:12

On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”

Hallelujah! I pray that you are filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God, and the peace of the Holy Son.

When moving a heavy rock too, if you use your own ‘hands, feet, and body,’ it is impossible to do even if you spend your entire lifetime. However, if you do it with ‘heavy equipment,’ you can get it done even in a short amount of time. In this way, the problem is not whether you have a lot of time or not. The problem is how you are doing the work.

In getting to your destination, whether you have a lot of time left or have little time left is not the problem. Depending on how you travel to the destination, the <problem of time> will be solved. If you travel at a high rate of speed by taking a ‘plane’ or a ‘car,’ you can travel even long distances in a short period of time.

The same is true for the Rapture. Even if there is little time left for becoming raptured, the <time> is not the problem. How you do it is the problem.

 Even if there is little time left, just as a person travels by ‘plane,’ if you go forward being united with Me, the Holy Son, and the Bunche, and filled abundantly with love and the Holy Spirit, no matter who you are, you can be raptured even with little time.

However, even though you are late and have little time, you do things as though you were riding a bicycle or walking, and do not ‘love,’ do not ‘put the Word into practice,’ and do not take ‘action’ either, it is that much more difficult for you.

 Everyone, I bless you to throw away the ‘wrong deeds,’ throw away the ‘deeply seeded traits,’ throw away the ‘things that are of the body,’ become united with the Holy Son and the Bunche with your lives on the line, be on fire in your brain, and take action as though you were flying in a plane!

3/30/2014 9:32:28 AM