
The person who has taken possession of the ‘core’ is the owner.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok
[Scriptures] Colossians 1:18

18) And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 

Hallelujah!I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

When you look at a person, the ‘body belongs to the FACE,’ the ‘face does not belong to the BODY.’

If you take any person’s face off and attach it to any BODY, that BODY belongs to the person who has that face. 

You can tell who it is by looking at the FACE.
Among the parts of a human being’s body, the <HEAD> is the ‘core,’and the person who took possession of the HEAD, which is the ‘core,’ becomes the owner.

The core of history is the WORD OF THE TIME PERIOD.

That is why the ‘Messiah’ comes bringing the WORD OF THE TIME PERIOD THAT WAS GIVEN BY GOD AND THE HOLY SON. He starts GOD’S NEW HISTORY and saves people as he delivers that WORD. The MESSIAH is the ‘core.’ 

Therefore, the person who took possession of the MESSIAH will take possession of the ‘whole.’

At the time of the New Testament, only the people who believed Jesus’ Word, followed, and took action on it knew that Jesus had come and that the Word delivered by Jesus was the TRUTH.

However, the religious people of that time period who were based on the Law, did not listen to the Word that Jesus spoke and did not believe it. By doing so, they failed to take possession of the WORD OF THE TIME PERIOD, as a result they failed to take possession of the MESSIAH, as a result, they failed to take possession of GOD’S WILL, and failed to take possession of GOD, who sent Jesus. 

Every existing thing has a CORE, so you must invest in the ‘core’ and you must gain the ‘core.’

The person who took possession of the ‘core,’ will take possession of the ‘whole.’

For human beings, the BRAIN is the ‘core.’ 

You must take possession of the BRAIN. Then you also take possession of the THUOGHTS, which are generated in the brain, and thus, you will take possession of the BODY too and become the ‘owner.’


You cannot hold other things in your hands if you are holding precious things in both of your hands.

In the same way, at the moment when you are thinking about God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son, and the Lord, you cannot think unrighteous thoughts and you cannot think other thoughts. 

Therefore, you should think about, call, and seek God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son, and the Lord at all times when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are joyful, when you are lonely, when you are discouraged, and when you are having a tough time.

Then by not losing your THOUGHTS, which is the ‘core,’ to other things, you will also not have your BODY taken from you, not have your SOUL AND SPIRIT taken from you, and not have the WHOLE taken from you. 

The ‘core’ is important. If you lose the ‘core,’ it means you have lost the ‘whole.’

Each of you must take possession of the BRAIN, which is the ‘core,’ and must take possession of the HEART AND THOUGHTS. Then you will come to control your BODY. By doing that, I bless you to make yourself and so rapture YOUR SOUL AND SPIRIT through taking action on the ‘Word of the Rapture of this time period.’



5/3/2014 8:07:43 AM