
Do not consider dreams to be ordinary. Dreams are revelations.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jeong Myeong-seok
[Scriptures] Genesis 37:6-7, 9

6) He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had:
7) We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”

Genesis 37:9
9) Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”

Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled abundantly with the eternal ‘love of the Holy Father God,’ and the ‘peace of the Holy Son.’

Historically, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son gave various revelations through DREAMS and made people realize the ‘things they should do,’ realize the ‘things they surely need to know,’ and allowed people to avoid ‘tribulations’ by foretelling tribulations that would happen. They made history in various ways such as these.

When King Herod wanted to kill Jesus after his birth, God did not allow the three wise men from the east to meet King Herod by giving them a revelation through a DREAM, and hid the ‘birth of the Messiah.’ He also gave a revelation to Jesus’ father Joseph through a DREAM so that Jesus would find safety in ‘Egypt.’

The Holy Son gives revelations through DREAMS. However, ‘revelations’ are not only things your ‘soul’ sees in DREAMS. The things your ‘body’ sees and realizes during the DAY are also ‘revelations.’So do not think that you can’t receive revelations just because you cannot dream dreams and do not think that you cannot receive revelations just because you have dreams that are unclear. 

If [you can't dream dreams,] then you can receive revelations through the ‘body’ during the day. During the day [the Trinity] make you realize through seeing with your ‘eyes,’ and make you realize through the ‘thoughts’ by making things come to mind. God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son give revelations especially through ‘people’ and through ‘creation’ so you will realize. Therefore, you should always think about them with interest, and ask for them. 

Also, the Holy Son conveys ‘revelations’ to you by showing you things at each time as they are appropriate, giving you inspiration, and making you realize.However, if your thoughts are foggy or [you are] not thinking about anything, you will not know even if the Holy Son gives you revelations. Revelations come as much as you have prepared.

You must not consider DREAMS to be ordinary. DREAMS are the Holy Son’s revelations. DREAMS that God showed you because He had the Will for them, will surely happen according to those dreams. Therefore, you must have ‘dreams’ and take action with ‘hope.’ If you ignore the DREAMS, you cannot fulfill the dreams.   

Before any accidents happen, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son always make us realize by showing us revelations in big or small ways. They give us revelations through INTUITION, PREMONITION, AND SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION, or through INSPIRATION, or through DREAMS. Since it is true that all of these are REVELATIONS that God showed you with ‘God’s Will’ in them, whether they are small or big, you must not consider them to be ordinary and you must not ignore them.
You must be spiritual. Then you will receive revelations through DREAMS.However, the Holy Son does not give revelations only through DREAMS. He gives revelations during ‘waking hours’ by making things come to mind, and also gives revelations through ‘intuitions, premonitions, and spiritual inspiration.’ He also gives revelations through ‘inspiration.’ 

Dreams, things that come to mind, and premonition, intuition, and spiritual inspiration are the ‘Holy Son’s revelations.’ Therefore, you must not consider all of them to be ordinary.

During regular times, the Holy Son will make you realize if you pray. When He makes you realize, He gives you INSPIRATION telling you ‘don’t do it,’ or ‘do it after checking 100%.’ 

He also makes you realize through DREAMS. So if you have received a revelation from the Holy Son through a DREAM, you must surely take action according to that dream. Then it will not ‘harm’ you but ‘benefit’ you.

I hope you will remember this message really well and realize the 'Holy Son's revelations' in your daily lives and take action on it. 


6/13/2014 10:16:42 AM