
Become a hero in your everyday life. It is to rapture in everyday life.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok
[Scriptures] Luke 16:10

10) Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Hallelujah! I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Even if you are writing A SINGLE LETTER, if you want to write well, you must write even ‘each dot, each stroke’ well. When writing a WRITTEN WORK too, you must write ‘each word, each paragraph’ well. Then you will write the ‘entire content’ well.

Likewise, each small righteous deed in your everyday life is like ‘one letter,’ ‘one word,’ or ‘one sentence.’ That is why, whether there are people [around you] or not, YOU, YOURSELF must do well ‘in your everyday life’ for the sake of YOUR OWN LIFE. 

The RAPTURE also is fulfilled in the course of ‘everyday life.’ You do not become raptured and take possession of the GOLDEN CITY suddenly one day but it is to fulfill the rapture while taking action on the Word ‘in your everyday life. ’

You have to score well on your ‘everyday life score’ by doing well at home, at school, and at work.It is because both YOUR DESTINY and your RAPTURE are determined by ’24 hours of your everyday life.'

It is not [about] living your life in sin and then coming to church and repenting. It is to hear the Word and live perfectly ‘in your everyday life’ without sinning. It is not [about] seeking the Holy Son and telling Him that you love Him only after coming to church. It is to hear the Word and then live your life seeking and loving the Holy Son ‘in your everyday life.’ 

In this way, [you] become raptured by achieving transformation ‘in your everyday life.’ 

Everyone, you must do well at ‘regular times.’ You must do well ‘in your everyday lives.’ 

When you look at how their words, thoughts, and actions are ‘in their everyday lives,’ you can see fully about them and ‘In their everyday lives,’ their true colors are fully revealed. Therefore, you must become 'heroes in your everyday life.'

You must become ‘heroes in your everyday life’ by taking action on the THINGS YOU SHOULD TAKE ACTION ON, making the THINGS YOU SHOULD MAKE, and cutting off the THINGS YOU SHOULD CUT OFF. People do well in ‘positions that are visible.’ However, they cannot maintain that ‘in their everyday lives.’ A ‘person for whom things have become their everyday life’ is the person who has really become transformed.

After hearing this message, I bless you to become a hero in your everyday life and fulfill the rapture in your everyday life by not giving up but doing it until the end.  

8/25/2014 9:25:44 AM