
At the moment an unrighteous thought has come, destroy it immediately at that instant.

본문 .


Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
Scriptures: Matthew 4:10

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"

Hallelujah! I wish that you would be filled with the love of the eternal Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Why are human beings human beings? They are human because they have 'hearts and thoughts. They are not human beings just because they have 'form'. This is because a dead person, a corpse, also has 'form' but has not 'heart or thoughts'.

It is just the same for wind. If it does not blow, it is not wind, it just has the form of air. It is the same for people too, if their 'heart-mind-thoughts' are doing nothing, they are nothing more than beings that are like air, beings that only breathe. Just as the wind blows, one's 'heart-mind-thoughts' must move and function. Then that person will hear people say, 'His/Her heart is like the tide. It is like the waves. His/Her mind is like a sword.'

Also, if you do nothing, your heart will spill here and there and 'all kinds of thoughts will come to mind. You must control your heart and thoughts! If you find yourself thinking bad thoughts or thoughts that are outside of the bounds of the Trinity's law, you should think and, like you would catch a snake, shatter pottery, burn up weeds and pull them out, hack them up and get rid of them right away using the Lord's ax of the Word.

It is to 'think well'!
It is to 'control wrong thoughts'!  
It is to 'seize wrong thoughts like you would seize a snake'!
It is to 'shatter wrong thoughts as you shatter pottery'!
It is to 'pull wrong thoughts out swiftly, as you would pull out weeds'! 

When it comes to eliminating unrighteous thoughts, 'timing' is extremely important. At the moment and 'unrighteous thought' comes, even a little, you must immediately trample on it! It is because, even if the unrighteous thought is tiny, if you leave it alone, it will grow more and more and, ultimately, it will overtake you.

The moment unrighteous thoughts come even a little, it is to get rid of them by swiftly crushing and trampling on them immediately at that instant! Those who do this are 'great victors'.

Through today's message you have received the power and authority to control unrighteousness, right? May you receive the blessings of using 'that power and authority' and be victorious


2/16/2015 6:46:23 PM