
The symbol of the time period

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] John 14: 6

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

There is a general way for humans to live their lives. However, when we think of the fundamental purpose for God creating us, we come to realise that there is an absolute way that human beings should live and in order to fulfil the Will of God.

Even if humans ask big questions such as, “How should I live my life?” or “What should I do during my lifetime?” they will only receive answers from other people about fairly basic topics such as: what they should eat, what they should do for work or what they should do to overcome the struggles in their life. Even if they accomplish all of the basics, they are not fundamentally satisfied and still wonder if there is something more to life than that.

These big questions can only be satisfyingly resolved when God appears in front of people and tells them “live this way.” When God gives them a certain program to live by and they follow that program, they will live an ideal life instead of an ordinary life. Therefore, human beings who are hylic cannot find the satisfying way, and even if they find a way, they merely find it at a human level. The metaphysical way to live is the way that saves our souls and spirits.Therefore, if God doesn’t teach us the way, we cannot find the way ourselves.

People in the world say that all roads lead to Rome, which can also imply that all roads start from Rome. Likewise, all pathways of life that start with the Word of God, are pathways that fulfil the true history of God. 
The symbols of this way were: Noah at the time of Noah, Abraham at the time of Abraham, Moses at the time of Moses, Joseph at the time of Joseph, Joshua at the time of Joshua and various prophets at their appointed time. These people became the way and the symbol of each time period and continued to lead history according to the way of God.

Jesus, who is the ultimate symbol of the way, said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” This means that apart from Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, absolutely nothing can be done. In other words, apart from the Messiah, nothing can be done.

When you live while believing in the symbol of God, your life will not be empty, you will be overjoyed everyday because you have realized the meaning of life and your soul and spirit will receive salvation. So I bless that you will abide by this way together with the Lord who is the way, the truth and the life.

7/20/2015 3:46:58 PM