
Know and take action

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Proverbs 13: 12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Human beings are beings that forget. You forget things if you don’t think about them every day. If you forget something, it will not come to mind and will disappear without a trace. Therefore, our <bodies>, our <thoughts> and <the actions of our bodies> are really important.

Apostle Paul gave a tremendous amount of Word regarding hope. Even though the people of that time period did not know Jesus and kept persecuting the followers and calling them heretics,and even though Jesus bore the cross and died as a result of that, with the hope that Jesus would come again, the hope of Heaven, and the hope of eternal life, [Apostle Paul] encouraged the believers, testified only for the Messiah, became Jesus’ body, preached and took action.

If, while believing in God and Jesus, they had not had the hope that Jesus would come again, the hope of Heaven, and the hope of eternal life, by what strength would they have lived their lives of faith and have taken action?
We are not living a life of waiting but living a life with the Lord right now while fulfilling God’s Will and purpose.

Only God and the Lord are our driving force. Know this, and so become more united with the perfect Lord, and love the Trinity even more. you have to think about the Word every day, pray every day, call the Trinity and the Lord every day, and live the life of the rapture every day.

I bless everyone to put up the mast and sail of the Lord in the center of your heart and thoughts so that your soul and spirit will transform into the heavenly form and go to heaven, and so that your body will also live a life of heaven on the earth.

7/21/2015 9:49:22 AM