
Both sides must love each other; only then will you rapture; only then will you be saved.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 24:13

13. but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Romans 10: 13-15

13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

James 2: 26

26. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Today, I will give you the Word about how you can fulfill salvation and the rapture.

Salvation and the rapture are like love. Imagine a man and a woman. If only the man loves the woman but the woman does not love the man, they cannot live together and cannot fulfill love.

In this way, no matter how much God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the Lord love people, save them and rapture them, if they, themselves do not want it and do not love back, then they can neither live together in the body on the earth nor live together in the spirit in Heaven.

When it comes to salvation and the rapture, you can fulfill them only if you do it together.

You cannot love and live [with someone] whom you only like. The same is true with salvation and the rapture.

Even if the side that saves is happy to save a person, because the side that receives salvation does not want it, they cannot live together. The one who will be saved must also want to receive salvation together and take action in order to receive salvation and delight in it. Only then can they be saved and live together.

There are many people who, even after believing in God and the saviour and living lives of faith, go to the world and let their faith become shipwrecked.

Why does that happen? It is because even after being saved and living together, they don’t live the life of salvation. It is at that point that the life of faith and life of salvation is discontinued.

Love too: if you do it but then stop, the life of love is discontinued from that day on. In the winter, even though you boil water hot, if you do not keep boiling it, it will cool down from that point on and will ultimately become cold water. If you do not continually live that life, Salvation, the rapture and love will all ultimately become like water that cools down and becomes cold.

Love, salvation and the rapture are all about everyday life. They are about life. Therefore, if you do not live a life of love, a life of salvation and a life of the rapture, then from that moment on, it will be like not eating and not breathing. So you will become a life that is sleeping or dead, and you will be unable to perform the functions of love, salvation and the rapture.


Salvation, love and the rapture are all guaranteed only for those who live that life by taking action every day. Just as the roots of a tree suck up water and nutrients on their own, you, yourself must take action every day as you live the life of salvation, rapture and love.

God predestined everyone in the world to be saved and come to Heaven. He then sends those who will preach the gospel, and teaches people and makes them realize both in their consciences and on their own.

If you want to receive salvation and be raptured, and if you believe and take action while living that life, you will walk the path of salvation and the rapture and thus fulfill God’s predestination. It is according to your deeds.

Salvation and the rapture are like love. Just as we must love each other in order for love to be fulfilled, both sides must love each other, want it and take action on it. Only then will both salvation and the rapture be fulfilled. You, the one to be saved, must also want to be saved and want to rapture; and you must love the Holy Trinity and the Lord, take action on that Word, and always pray and commune. After listening to today’s message, I bless you to receive Salvation and the rapture by living that kind of life.

<Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s sunday message summary on August 30, 2015>

8/30/2015 10:09:33 PM