
Realize how marvelous it is, and love, rejoice and be thankful.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok       

[Scriptures] Psalms 104:24        


How many are your works, Lord!

       In wisdom you made them all;

      the earth is full of your creatures.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

The key point of today's message is: ‘While knowing and rejoicing over the mysteries of the universe, the earth and people, give thanks to the Trinity and love Them.’

In order to understand mysteries, you have to learn God’s Word; put what you have learned into practice; and live while always calling the Holy Trinity, conversing with Them and becoming one with Them.

If you do that, ‘the level of your thoughts’ will rise and so you will see things as God sees them, and through that, you will understand and feel mysteries and will gain and enjoy that much.

The universe, the earth, people and other things too: God created everything to be marvelous.

However, people consider those marvelous things as just ordinary. 

It is because they do not know. They do that because the level of their thoughts is low.

That is why you must be one with God.

In order to become one with God you must learn God’s thoughts.

That is why I give you the Word; so that you learn and thus know and take action.

Be thankful that you were born as ‘a human being’ and realize why the Creator made human beings, and enjoy ‘the satisfaction of being born as a human being’ as you live according to that Word. 

I urge you to realize and rejoice over the fact that both the earth and human body parts are marvelous, give thanks and glory to the Creator God, love the Holy Trinity and use the things They gave you valuably.

The universe, the earth and people, who are all God’s creation, are truly marvelous. 

Things made by people cannot compare to the creation of God no matter how wonderful they are.

God’s creation is the most beautiful and marvelous

Therefore, if you receive God’s designs and thoughts and take action becoming one with the Trinity, the level of your thoughts will rise and you will see things at the same level as God, taste the flavor and take action at a high level while singing and dancing. By doing that you will gain a lot and enjoy a lot.

God created each and every one of the 7.3 billion people on the face of the Earth to be different.

Just looking at the body parts of one person, God created each respective body part differently.

If you consider tens of thousands of mountains on the earth, there is not a single mountain that is the same as another.

Trees all look different as well. 

Even if you take 'seeds’ from one pine tree and plant them all on the same land, they all grow differently. 

The sun, the moon and the stars look different, and the countless stars all look different too. 

However, both eyes, both nostrils, both ears, both hands, both feet, both arms, both legs, both lungs, etc. are ‘pairs.’ Hence, God created each pair in the same image and likeness.

Creating everything differently and such that the created things would all be connectedthis is God’s omniscient and omnipotent wisdom and power.

It is the Divine Being’s marvelous skill and wonderful ability. 

When God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son give blessings, They allow you to see things correctly by exciting your thoughts and raising the level of your thoughts. And through that, They allow you to gain and enjoy.

That is why I tell you to not live only with your body but instead, think deeply and use your soul and spirit.

I bless all of you to spiritually raise the level of your thoughts and thus gain a lot and enjoy a lot. 

<Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s Wednesday message summary from October 7, 2015>

10/8/2015 10:17:12 AM