
You have to take action. Only then will you shine.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok       

[Scriptures] James 2:14,17     


14) What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but had no deeds? Can such a faith save them?

 17) In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

For everything you do in your life, you have to move and put things into practice. Only then will you shine. 

A cheetah's most distinct skill and trait is 'speed'.
A cheetah is lovely even when it’s sitting quietly because its face is pretty. But indeed, it is the most beautiful and really shines when it is running.
It runs as fast as 130 kilometers an hour within 30 seconds. 
It glows as it runs and its body shape shines when it runs.
Because it is moving, its distinct trait shines, so we cannot help but acknowledge that it is ‘the king of speed; the fastest on the ground.’ 

You have to take action with steel too. Only then will you make ‘something useful’ that shines. 
If you took action with steel and made ‘a refrigerator,’ then you must use it. Only then will it shine. 
You have to use the things you have made. Only then will you shine and also gain.
Therefore, ‘You should make something by taking action and use what you have made in a satisfying way.’
You have to use something by taking action; only then will you gain.
You have to gain by taking action; only then will you know how much you will gain.

You learned the Word of God, right? Why do you learn it? You learn it so that you will know. But know what?
You learn the Word in order to know the Trinity, in order to know the one who will save you, in order to know why you were born and in order to know God’s Will toward human beings. 

Once you have learned it, you must take action. You have to take action; only then will you come to know the power and authority of the Word.
While doing so, you will also discover even more about God’s history, the Trinity and the Lord, and will acknowledge them clearly.
Since you take action at that level, you will not be shaken, you will be abundantly full of love, and you will get up again and take action even if things are difficult. 

Consider flowing water. It flows continually every day. Like flowing water, it is to take action continually every day. 
Just as water flows from streams to rivers and from rivers to the ocean without stopping, it is to raise your level and take action continually.

The more stairs you climb, the higher levels you will reach.
In the same way, the more you keep thinking and taking action according to God’s Word, the deeper things you will realize, the higher level things you will do and the further you will develop.

The more people cut grass and prune the trees in the mountains, the wider the trails will become, the more the environment will transform, and the more beautiful and attractive the tree forms will become. 

Likewise, the more you take action, the more it will show; the more you take action, the more you will gain; the more you take action, the higher your level will become; and the more you take action, the further you will develop. 
Therefore, you must surely take action no matter what the circumstances are.

If you are late, take action being late. If you have failed, then take action with what remains.

The days of the past will not come again. Whether they were difficult or pleasant, they end according to whatever we have done. Therefore, I bless all of you to live a life that shines by taking action.

<Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s Wednesday message summary from October 14, 2015>

10/15/2015 1:05:37 PM