
Listen to the words of the Holy Spirit, turn around quickly and take action.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok



John 16:13

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

    1 Corinthians 2:13

This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.


You make ‘yourself’ succeed by using yourself. 

If you want to make ‘yourself’ succeed by using yourself, then your thoughts are very important.

Your destiny is determined according to whether you think ‘spiritually’ or ‘physically.’

Physical things include the 'body' eating, dressing and sleeping and include gaining worldly wealth and fame.

If you think physically and so take action physically, you will gain physically. 

However, physical success lasts only for ‘one time period of the body.’

If you think spiritually and so take action spiritually, you will gain spiritually.

Spiritual success is ‘eternal success without end.’

Spiritual things refer to gaining spiritual things while doing ‘spiritual work of faith’ with ‘your body’ centering on the ‘spiritual heart and thoughts.’ 

Of course you should do physical things too, but you must surely do spiritual things.

Doing ‘the things that are more urgent’ at each time is the secret to success.

It is to ‘first do the thing that should be done first,’ just as you evade the rocks and thorn bushes that touch your body first. 

There are things that you should do as the top priority in your everyday life right now, but you are only doing your own work. 

You must first take action for ‘Heaven’ and then take action for ‘yourself.’

When taking action, you should take action after checking.

In this world, hundreds or thousands of accidents happen every day.

Spiritually too, hundreds or thousands of accidents happen every day. 

There is a way to protect yourself from those accidents. 

When you are driving, you keep your eyes on the front, back, right and left and drive carefully while obeying the signals and speed limits.

In the same way, if you are on your best behavior every day, then you will not fall victim to ‘unfortunate events’ either physically and spiritually.

Sometimes you will experience unfortunate things as a result of ‘other people’s mistakes’ even if you are on your best behavior.

Therefore, you have to make sure to pray and ask for protection. Only then will you avoid ‘misfortune.’ 

So I urge you to protect ‘yourself’ by taking action according to the Word.

Also, when you are taking action, check 100% in all directions and don’t let down your guard even if things work out well.

Only those who are alert in that area and take action with 100% devotion will not fall victim. 

If you count ’36,000’ from the time the sun rises to the time the sun sets, the sun will set on another day.

A day passes in an instant.

Each and every day combines together and ultimately makes ‘a lifetime.’

But the time is too valuable to waste by using it improperly.

So in the time it takes to count 36,000, be sure to guard yourself and try to evangelize lives.

If you do well, you will evangelize 3000 people like Peter. And if you do poorly, you cannot evangelize even one person.

Some people wonder “Did Peter really evangelize 3000 people in a single day?” 

They say that because they have never tried it.

In God’s domain, everything will work out if you do it, but nothing will work out if you don’t do it.

Please keep in mind that ‘Even now, if you do it in reality, it will work out, but if you don’t do it, nothing will work out.

I bless all of you to turn around quickly and take action right now, when the Holy Spirit is working upon you with inspiration and realization

10/26/2015 8:35:27 AM