
Realize that time is passing quickly and use it spiritually

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Ephesians 5:16 

 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.


Today, I will enlighten you about time and tell you about how to use time to the ultimate degree and what you must do in order to use the same amount of time to do five or ten times more.

Those of you who have lived life probably know just how fast time passes.

Even after living 80 or 90 years, people say, “Time really flew. When did those 80 years pass?”

In this way, time passes quickly.   

Time and seasons flow continually every day without stopping. They are not merciful to anyone – children, young adults, middle aged people or elders.

Even if all 7.3 billion people in the world combined their strength and tried to hold onto time, they could not hold it. This is because time is the revolution and rotation of the earth.

Can anyone stop the revolution and rotation of the earth?

Even if you hold onto life, saying, “Life... don’t grow old,” life will keep getting old.

And even if you hold onto time, saying, “Time... don’t go,” time will flow on.


Therefore, you must think faster and run faster. Only then will you become a person who holds time, and you will achieve many things for your body and also achieve ‘eternal things’ for your spirit and so become someone who has succeeded.

Your thoughts have to run fast and your thoughts have to be swift.

Only then will your body become swift, and so your actions will also be fast.

In order to do that, you should not take action only with your body.

Your body is slow. So it cannot keep up with time that is fast.

You must be sure to pray and take action ‘spiritually.’

Take action spiritually by doing this:

No matter what you do, you must be sure to call the Holy Spirit and the Lord and take action with the Holy Spirit and with the Lord.  If you do that, in just ‘one hour’ you will finish what would have taken ‘two hours to do.’ So it becomes as if you held onto one hour.

The way to hold time is to do things fast.

And the way to do things fast is to do things spiritually and divinely.

If you run with the body, it is hard to hold even twice as much time.
If you run with the body, even if you run, you will go only a little bit more, one hand-span more or one foot more.

You have to do it spiritually. You have to do it divinely. Only then will you hold onto and use 10 or 20 times more time.

To do something divinely is to use the Divine Being’s head.

It is to take action according to the thoughts of God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son.
And it is to raise the level of your thoughts and so go straight across a roundabout path you should take, and not do what you should not do.

When you take action in the way that God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son instruct you, that means you are using the Divine Being’s head, and your thoughts become thoughts as high as Heaven and you take action holding onto and using 10 times or 100 times more time.

Today I spoke to you about time.

‘Depending on how you use time,’ it becomes golden timebecomes time that is like steel or becomes time that is like garbage.

You have to use time with the Trinity. Only then will all your time become golden time.

Therefore, I pray that you will realize that time is passing quickly through today's message and use time spiritually. And I bless all of you to gain the victory of time by thinking and taking action at the right moment and at the right time. 

<The summary of Pastor Jung Myeong Seok's Sunday message from Nov. 15, 2015>

11/16/2015 5:12:19 PM