
Mistakes even lead to death.

본문 .














[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures]Judges 16:17-18
Matthew 5:48

Human beings are not Divine Beings.

Because people are people

even if they think they are doing well, 

they make mistakes because things don’t come to mind; 

and even if things do come to mind, 

they make mistakes because they discern incorrectly.

Also, people make mistakes because they don’t know; 

and even if they know, they make mistakes because they lack the skill to handle it. 

Why do people make so many mistakes?

It is because they take action according to their ignorance 

and self-centered thoughts.

Mistakes lead to various accidents, 

cause serious injuries to both the heart and body, and even lead to death.

A mistake is an action that causes you to take a misstep.

Things will work out well as much as you take action without mistakes.

Therefore, if you don’t want to make mistakes, you must become a Divine Being.

How can a person become a Divine Being, you ask?

You can do it if you absolutely center on God Almighty, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son.

It is to do things properly without mistakes! 

It is to not do unnecessary work! 

It is to do things in the right order! 

These are the secrets to succeeding in life, work and faith.

2/3/2016 7:21:01 PM