
Those who don’t know are blind. Organizing and incinerating.

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[Scriptures] 1John 4:6

6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; 

but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. 

This is how we recognize the Spirit[a] of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

When a person does not know something, then he is blind in that area.

When you are sleeping, you don’t know, right?

Therefore, a person who does not know is like ‘a sleeping person’ and like a blind person.

Consider a person’s body parts.

Although there are many body parts, the head knows everything.

The head knows everything and tells ‘each body part’ what to do.

The parts of the body can never know even in a lifetime if the head does not teach them. 

And since they don’t know, they are unable to take action. 

If you don’t know the Will of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, you are blind.

If you don’t know the head and the body parts correctly, you are blind.

Therefore, if you want to come out of blindness

you have to take action with someone whose eyes are open.

The Bible said that the head is the Lord and all the followers are like individual body parts.

That is why you have to become united with the Lord and believe what the Lord says. 
Only then will you come out of blindness.

Everyone, I hope you will listen to today’s message, 

realize whether your thoughts are like a blind person, and turn away from them.

5/17/2016 1:52:46 PM