
A life is made of its components

본문 .













[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Proverbs 13:13

(* Translation note: 성분 means: composition as in the components, elements, ingredients. 

Life is determined by the components that a person is composed of.) 

Each person has their own composition*.

The composition, in other words, is the properties.  

In other words, it is the unique characteristics that something possesses.

A person’s composition is determined 

by the quality of their heart, thoughts, character and mentality.

And the destiny of their life is determined 
by the makeup and quality of their heart and thoughts.

This is because a person takes action 

with his body on the things that he thought in his brain.

That is why the composition and quality of a person’s heart and thoughts 

are so very important.

Nectar is not that sweet. 

However, because it has the properties of a component for making honey,

it becomes honey in this way.   

Sugar cane is far richer and sweeter than nectar.

However, you cannot make honey with it because of its composition.

Just as honey is made with the composition of nectar, people’s daily lives 

are determined by their composition.

However, even if a person has the right composition

he must surely make himself.

Just as bees collect nectar, store it, and make honey with it, 
you, yourself must listen to the Word of the time period 
and make yourself with the Trinity and the Lord.

If you invest all your life to make yourself, you will transform 
according to your components and quality.

after listening to the precious Word about composition from the Almighty God, 

I bless you to make your composition much better.

5/25/2016 3:40:34 PM