
With people, it depends on how you treat them and use them. With environments too, it depends on how you treat them and use them.

본문 .












[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures]John 5:24
Very truly I tell you, 

whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me 

has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

 With people and with environments, things depend on how you treat them.

With what do you handle them?

You handle them with your own actions.

Even the exact same vessels depend on how you treat and use them.

You can use it as a chamber pot by collecting urine in it,

you can use it as a watering bowl by putting water in it and watering a vegetable field,

you can use it as a medicine container, and you can use it as a dish to store food.

Depending on how it is treated, it can be used worthlessly or more valuably.
Even rubbish depends on how you treat it and use it.
Sometimes rubbish is just thrown away, and sometimes it is recycled and used valuably.

This is true for all the lives.

Both your body and your dwelling and environment depend on 

how you treat them and use them.

No matter the appearance or structure, 

I hope that all of you will treat them and use them as the most valuable things in the world!

I bless you to change your destiny into ‘the best destiny of all’ by doing that!

6/10/2016 7:04:09 PM