
A life of harmony, a life of unity, and a life of peace

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Isaiah 11:1-9

It is a great achievement when individuals hone in on themselves,

get trained and display their functions ably.

Even though they're not conjoined but separate entities,

once they are together, they become harmonious.   

However, they should become one when they need to be united, but do things individually

when they should act as individuals.

It is about becoming one while being compassionate, loving, and serving each other.

Without being in harmony, we cannot dare to accomplish big matters.

The game of soccer is played by individuals in actuality.

However, individuals collaborate to pass the ball, make short passes to one another,

and furthermore, attack the opposition.

Players play using various techniques, working in harmony with one another.

Once people create harmony and become one with each other,

the ideal world will be fulfilled.

When I mixed different colors with equal amounts of each color,

the world of harmony happened between the colors.

Such a color cannot be produced by any one color alone.

Only when they become integrated can that kind of color be created.

In the same way, since an individual, alone, cannot make this kind of ideal and beautiful history happen, I hope you will make history by being harmonious with one another.

Becoming one is this tremendous.

Therefore, I bless everyone to become one and live a harmonious life

like various kinds of musical instruments coming together to produce sounds of harmony.

8/5/2016 5:28:11 PM