
If you want to succeed and win, you should be swift, fix yourself, and do a lot.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures]Isaiah 19:1 (Recite key verse)

See the Lord rides on <a swift cloud> and is coming to Egypt. 

The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear.

Matthew 5:48

Be <perfect>, therefore, as your heavenly Father is <perfect>.

 2 Corinthians 9:6
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, 

and whoever sows <generously> will also reap <generously>.

Everything you do in life must be done at the right time

When you look at all the things that were successful and victorious

they were done quickly in a hurry, at the right time.

Whenever you are taking action for God’s Will or with your purpose

you have to do it swiftly. Then there will be a high probability of success and victory.

Whether you are trying to win a race or just living your life, 

the fastest person succeeds and wins.

If you want to do well, you have to fix your shortcomings. 

You have to fix them. 

Ultimately, you can say that a person who does well is 

a person who has fixed himself

Developing is also a form of fixing

Repenting and becoming a new person is also a form of fixing

Those who fix their contradictions, wrong hearts, minds, and actions every day 

will gain both physically and spiritually, celebrate with the Lord, succeed, and win.


If you do a lot, miracles will happen and you will become a god as a human being

A person who did a lot of work in the Lord in the right way changed a lot more than someone who did a little, and also gained more,

ultimately succeeded and won in both faith and life. 

Did you understand after hearing today’s message? Were you moved? 

If you want to succeed and win, you must focus on and do these three things: 

do things swiftly, fix yourself, and do a lot.

I hope everyone will hurry up and take action quickly as much as you were inspired. 



9/5/2016 12:15:47 PM