
Things exist only when they exist.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] James 2:26

  As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Today’s message is titled, Things exist only when they exist.

I will express this message through a variety of proverbs in order to let you realize.

When you go into a cave in the summer to escape the heat,

you feel cool and refreshed only when you are in the cave.

Once you come out of the cave, that feeling ends.

In this way, you see and feel only while you exist.

Only when you exist while taking action, seeing, hearing and interacting

with a certain thing, do you exist together with it.

Since things exist only when they exist,

if you want to gain things that pertain to a particular place,

you have to continue to take action there, exist there and be part of that place.

You exist in that place only when you take action and exist there.

So make it your daily life to exist while taking action.


If you exercise but then stop for a week or ten days,

your muscles will immediately start to weaken.

If you want to maintain a good body, you have to do it continually.

The same is true in your life of faith.

Even though it is tedious and difficult, there are things you gain when you do it!

If you want life to exist every day, take action every day.

If you want faith to exist every day,

communicate with the Trinity and the Lord and take action according to Their Word every day.

You live your life in the way you choose to exist.

Since you have both a body and thoughts that you need to maintain,

doing it is 10 times or 100 times better than resting and not doing it.

10/10/2016 11:16:04 AM