
Your preferences

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 25:14-15
Again, the Kingdom of God will be like a man going on a journey,

who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them.

To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

Personal preferences differ between each individual depending on a person’s constitution

and the way they live life.

Your preferences are formed according to your constitution and your thoughts.

You buy and wear clothes, eat food, and make and live in your environment

all according to your preferences, right?

Everyone’s preferences are determined by

their constitution, their thoughts,and their brainslevel,

and they make their choices accordingly.

God gave human beings the free will to do things according to their individuality and preferences

and let them live by them.


Your preferences are formed according to your constitution.

They are your choices, and you are the one who bears the responsibility for them.

However, nothing is guaranteed if you live according to your preferences.

Your preferences are fickle; therefore, you can’t trust them.

It is because what really happens is different from your thoughts.

The hearts of people are constantly changing.

The heart is prone to changing dozens or hundreds of times even in a single day.

Therefore, you cannot trust even yourself and you cannot trust even your own thoughts because they are fickle.

Preferences that are united with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son

can be trusted,

will not leave any regrets, will satisfy your preferences for your body’s entire lifetime,

and will satisfy your preferences even during your spirit’s eternal lifetime.

Additionally, the longer your preferences are united, the more ideal the world will become;

the more you raise your level, the more you will prefer to choose better things,

which will thus end in your satisfaction.

Your preferences are determined by the level of your thoughts.

If you leave it as is, your preferences will become fickle and thus cannot be trusted,

so I tell you to entrust it to the Lord.

When you become more fervent and take action more diligently according to God’s Word,

the level of your thoughts will be elevated

and your preferences will also change and elevate

in accordance with the level of your thoughts.

Making yourself fit God’s Word and His preferences requires that much hard work, effort, and struggle, but I encourage you to try to make yourself according to God’s preferences

without regrets before it is too late.

11/14/2016 1:35:07 PM