
People can’t endure if people go beyond the norm.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scripture] Luke 20:38

He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

When people go beyond the norm, everything becomes painful.

This is true when achieving a goal as well.

When you go beyond the norm and cross the line, it becomes painful.

Action must be taken but taken while taking minute care not to step outside the norm.

Only then will people be able to take action according to their desires

and continue to move forward in an ideal way.

In everything people do, whether they are small things or big things,

God created people to work like a scale so that things are either easy or difficult,

good or bad, or comfortable or uncomfortable.

God created human beings to respond highly sensitively

like a scale or a thermometer responding acutely to changes.


God made it so that human beings will be able to tell what is good and what is bad

and discern on their own and take appropriate actions.

Even when it comes to something small,

people will discern if it is something they should do or something they should not do

and take action accordingly.

If thermometers, scales, and various types of machines are not made to be highly sensitive,

they will fail to measure 100% perfectly.

Even cars and airplanes--solid and majestic as they are--they are used 100% fully for our purposes because they were made and assembled extremely meticulously.

The same is true with people.

Human beings were created to be so sensitive that

they can even feel when a single hair touches their body or when it is removed from their skin,

and they were created with the ability to plan and take action 100% perfectly and smoothly.

Like this, God created people to be sensitive and with good senses

so that each person will live while taking action when they need to.   


It is normal

when people are unable to endure not sleeping when it is time to sleep,

unable to endure not eating when it is time to eat,

and unable to endure not working when it is the time to work.

Listen to the Lord’s Word,

focus on your thoughts and sharpen them like a blade, and try to pray.   


This is a time when you must surely find out and know

what you are currently not doing and what you need to repent for.

It is a time to take action while incinerating your sins.

Machines too,

if they endure and fail to detect the time they go beyond ‘the norm’ and exceed ‘their limits’,

they will break down.

Surely know that life is like that too.

I bless everyone to respond sensitively to the Word of God and the Lord,

never let the Word leave from your brains,

and always take action with a sharp mind and sharp thoughts.

11/21/2016 6:01:10 PM