
Everything gets solved through taking action

본문 .



[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] James 2:17

 Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

This year I told you to take action swiftly like catching light.

If you want to take action like you are catching light,

you have to make ‘the path’ well during regular times.

In order to do that, first, before taking action, you must first pray.

Then you will realize with wisdom, you will discern and judge spiritually,

and you can take action boldly.

Second, in order to take action, you have to think about the things you are going to take action on.

If you forget them from your thoughts,

you can't do them even if they are things that you would be able to do

and have enough time for.

However, there are limits to your thoughts.

Therefore, you have to write things down and look at them frequently so that you don’t forget.

And you surely have to rapidly take action on one thing at a time while checking.

Third, once you are done taking action if you are idle and let the time drift by

because you have finished, you won’t feel the satisfaction of getting it done quickly

and you will end up short on time for the next task.

Fourth, when taking action, you should call the Holy Spirit and the Lord

and do it together with Them.

If you do it by yourself, it will be difficult,

you won’t be able to do it properly,

and you will even do things that you should not do in self-centered ways.  

On top of that, if you do things by yourself, ideal thoughts will not come and you will also be weak.

Therefore, you have to make sure to call the Holy Trinity and do it together with Them.

Today’s message is Everything gets solved only through taking action!

While continually taking action, you must surely challenge yourself to take action.

You have to keep taking action always in your daily life

so that the things you should do not get backed up.

2017 is the year of taking action!

I bless all of you who are taking action to be filled abundantly with theTrinity’s power to take action,

and thus with the work you should do in your daily life and the time,

run and dash as if you were fighting for every second, catch light,

and run the race—obtain the victory and gain!

2/2/2017 11:09:36 AM